Page 5 of On the Ropes

“Absolutely. I want to hear this,” Roxanna added.

Leah sighed and seemed to take a minute to organize her thoughts. “Well, the short version is he’s one of Jake’s good friends, and his family lived in the next house over to us in Elmhurst. I’ve known him all my life. Loved him all my life, actually. He’s ten years older than I am, not that it should make a difference, and it doesn’t to me. But to Heath, I’m just his friend’s annoying little sister. And yes, when I was younger, I probably was annoying. But I’m twenty-five now, a grown woman, most definitely not annoying. Hell, I even work for the Cobras in the finance department with him although he’s not my direct manager. We’re perfect for each other. He’s just a stubborn jerk and won’t give us a chance.”

Cassie returned to her seat so Angel and Vanessa could touch up her makeup before she got dressed. “Jake says he’s changed a little since returning from Afghanistan. And I don’t mean from his hearing loss.”

Heath had returned from Afghanistan six years ago, injured after IEDs, improvised explosive devices, exploded during one of their missions. He’d lost two men in his unit with several others sustaining severe injuries, including Heath who had lost seventy percent of his hearing as a result of being so close to the blasts.

Physically, Heath had healed from his injuries, with Luke replacing the clunky, outdated hearing aids the VA provided him with a state-of-the-art tiny pair that were barely visible and provided much better sound. Emotionally though, Abbey suspected Heath still suffered. Maybe Leah could help her wounded warrior. Abbey hoped so because she agreed with Leah. If Heath was willing to give them a chance, he and Leah could be happy together.

Leah frowned, nodding her head in agreement. “I know that. I know war changes you. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. Once Luke replaced Heath’s hearing aids, he went to college using his VA education benefits and got his finance degree and MBA, and now he manages the Finance department for the Cobras. He turned a bad situation around. He should be proud of himself. I am.”

Madison finished up with Leah’s hair, adjusting wisps on each side of her face. “Leah, if he lost members of his unit, he’s probably feeling survivor’s guilt. I know how that feels. My husband passed away a year ago. And although I know in my head I should move on and not feel guilty for being alive and try to be happy like I know my late husband would want me to, my heart says something different. Don’t be so hard on Heath is all I’m saying.”

Leah nodded and took a hold of Madison’s hands, squeezing tight. “I’m so sorry, Madison. And I’ll try to go easy on Heath, but I will not take no for an answer. I believe my love can help him if he would just give me a chance.”

Madison smiled back at Leah. “I think all the women in this room know the love of a good woman can make even the most stubborn, jerky men come around. You, my dear, are ready to get dressed.”Madison handed a Leah a hand mirror to show off her wonderful work.

“Madison, wow. Thank you so much! This is perfect. Not overdone at all.” Leah admired herself in the mirror before making her way to one of the suite’s bedrooms that had her and Abbey’s clothes. “Hurry up, Abbey, let’s get ready.”

Abbey looked up at Roxanna and she smiled. Roxanna handed her a hand mirror and she couldn’t believe what she saw. Leah was right. The makeup was flawless but not overdone. “Thank you, Roxanna, Leah was right.” She looked up to see Cassie smiling over at her. Even though her life was a total mess at the moment, Abbey felt beautiful. For the first time in a long time.

Abbey could do this. She could put her personal issues aside and be there for her sister’s big day. She would be the best maid of honor a bride could ask for, and she wouldn’t let Cassie down. She’d be calm and collected. She’d be gracious and considerate for Cassie and for herself.

Time to put on her big girl panties and suck it up. It had been ten years since she’d broken up with Luke. That was long enough to pine after someone who didn’t want her. Abbey had gone to great lengths over the last ten years to steer clear of Luke and could now admit that might have been a bit drastic. Weddings were a time of new beginnings. Maybe she could begin again with Luke as friends. In actuality, Abbey didn’t have much of a choice. He was dating someone else and from everything she’s seen and heard about Luke and Brenna as a couple, they seemed happy. And she would do her best to be happy for them. That knot in her stomach over the thought of Luke with someone else would eventually go away. Maybe if she put an effort into dating, she wouldn’t feel so preoccupied with Luke’s love life. Maybe.

As Abbey padded to the bedroom to get dressed, Angel called out to her. “Don’tforget, we made up bags for the three of you with everything we used today so you can recreate your looks whenever you want. I’m a rep with the cosmetic company so you can order the exact items anytime you need them.”

Abbey liked that idea. She normally didn’t wear much makeup, but if she was going to start dating again, she’d take more time on her appearance. “Thanks, that’s really thoughtful of you and so helpful for me.”

Leah had just finished putting on a delicate white lace bra and panty set when Abbey walked into the bedroom to get dressed. Heath was in trouble if he got the chance to see what Leah was wearing under her bridesmaid dress. The bra and panty set complemented her sexy curves just right. “What do you think?” Leah did a quick spin as she giggled.

“I think you’re gorgeous and Heath’s not going to know what hit him if he gets a chance to see what you’re wearing,” Abbey said.

Leah pointed to the lingerie set Abbey purchased for the wedding, the cornflower-blue matching her dress perfectly. “Looks like you got something special too.”

Abbey felt herself blush. She had never bought lingerie so fancy before. “I just wanted something pretty to go with my dress. I didn’t have a specific someone in mind to model it for.” Although she couldn’t help wondering what Luke would think.

Stop that. It doesn’t matter what Luke would think.

Leah slipped into her hose and a long slip. Abbey held open the unzipped bridesmaid dress so Leah could step into it without ruining her hair and makeup. Once it wascomfortably in place, Abbey zipped it up and Leah turned to face her.

The lace and illusion mesh bodice of the bridesmaid’s dresses was delicate and feminine. The cornflower-blue color flattering on both Abbey and Leah. And with elbow-length lace and mesh sleeves, and a floor-length skirt, it was the perfect. “God, Leah, you’re stunning, really.”

“You think so?” Leah asked, a huge smile on her face.

“Absolutely.” Now Abbey was excited to get dressed herself.

“Okay, now get that sexy lingerie on and I’ll help you too.”

Leah admired herself in the dresser mirror while Abbey put her new lingerie set, hose, and slip on. When she was ready, Leah helped her into her own dress and pulled up the zipper. Leah fluffed up Abbey’s hair, laying it just so around her shoulders.

“Wow, Abbey, just—wow. You were right to leave that gorgeous blonde hair down.” Leah turned Abbey to face the dresser mirror

Abbey looked at herself in the mirror, shocked. She almost didn’t recognize herself. A little makeup and hair styling made such a difference. She would definitely order makeup from Angel after the weekend was over. “I feel wow.”

“Jake’s invited a few of his single lawyer friends and college buddies. You never know who might get a peek at your lingerie tonight.” Leah waggled her eyebrows and took her dyed-to-match, much too high heeled for Abbey’s safety, pumps and went back to the dining room.

Abbey wasn’t so sure she wanted anyone else taking a peek at her lingerie tonight, but for the first time in a long time, she felt amazing. She grabbed her own dyed-to-match, safe one-and-half-inch heels and followed Leah out to the dining room.