Page 4 of On the Ropes

Abbey made sure she didn’t mention she’d gotten laid off on Wednesday, just as she was getting ready to leave the office for the day. She had put in for vacation time on Thursday and Friday for the wedding. She had been asked by her new manager, who she couldn’t stand, to a small conference room where a HR representative was sitting at the conference table with a stack of termination paperwork waiting for her.

She had been taken completely by surprise, although she should haven’t been. Her manager Tim Webber was an arrogant, know-it-all blow hard. He’d only been with Office Supply Galaxy for three months but he acted as if owned the place, or at least the IT department. He hired a couple of guys from his previous company two weeks after starting, so Abbey suspected he wanted to bring on another one of his people and needed to get her out of the way and use her vacant position to do it.

Abbey was shown a document indicating over fifty additional people were being let go and that her responsibilities and skill set were no longer needed. She had almost laughed at Tim when he told her that since she was the only person at the company who administered and engineered the software system she managed.

When Tim finally shut the hell up and left the conference room, the HR rep had reviewed the termination paperwork with her. At least she was given six-month severance and three months of paid health insurance. That took some pressure off. Abbey hadn’t been allowed back to her desk. A company security guard brought her purse and escorted her to her car, like she was a criminal. She was due back at the office Monday evening to meet with the HR rep and collect her personal belongings from her cubicle so it wouldn’t be a distraction to the other employees.

Cassie stood up, holding Abbey’s hands. She looked at other women in the room with pride on her face. “I’d say you rock, Abbey. Not only did my little sister get her BS in Computer Science and her MBA but she did it on OSG’s dime, fully paid for through their tuition reimbursement program, no student loan debt. And she did it while working full time.”

“Good for you!”

“That’s amazing!”

“I agree, you rock, Abbey!”

Abbey felt herself blush. “All right, everyone, yes, I’m amazing. But today’s about you Cassie, not me.” She giggled and hugged her sister tight.“Thanks. I love you.”

Abbey stood back, looking Cassie over. She was absolutely radiant. She couldn’t wait to see her in her wedding dress. “Angel, Vanessa, you did a great job with Cassie’s hair and makeup. She looks like a princess.”

Vanessa came forward and looked Cassie over. “We didn’t really do very much with the makeup, not that we’re heavy handed with it. Cassie just has a natural glow.”

Cassie squeezed Abbey’s hands, a huge grin on her lovely face. Cassie looked in the eyes and whispered, “I’m pregnant. That might have something to do with my natural glow.”

The room erupted into squeals. Leah rushed to their side and the three of them ended up in a group hug.“Oh my God, we’re going to be aunties!” Leah exclaimed.

“Shhh, you’re the only ones I’ve told other than Jake. I told him he could tell the guys as long as no one says anything.”

Abbey noticed Vanessa and Roxanna had concerned expressions on their faces. They both came closer and both said, “How far along are you?”

Cassie beamed. “Eight weeks.”

Vanessa and Roxanna shared a knowing look and Roxanna spoke up. “You really shouldn’t say anything until you reach the third trimester, you know.”

“I don’t mean to be a downer, but I miscarried twice. Once at six weeks and then again at ten,” Vanessa added.

Angel and Madison came over to the group. Angel put a supportive arm around her sister Vanessa’s shoulder. “Yes, and now you have two amazing little boys, don’t you?”

Vanessa smiled at her sister. “I sure do.”

“I know I shouldn’t have said anything, but I’m so excited. And the wedding is today. I just couldn’t keep the news to myself. And I know there’s a risk, but Jake and I will handle it. It’ll be all right, regardless. Just promise you won’t say anything, please?” Cassie looked to the group of women around her, a pleading expression on her lovely face.

Abbey gave Cassie a quick hug. “We won’t say a word. Right, ladies?”


“Okay then, that’s settled. Now for some raspberry pastry before I get dressed.” Cassie scanned the dining room table for a savory raspberry treat and filled a glass with orange juice. “We better finish getting ready. Patty Hailey, the photographer, and videographer will be here soon.”

That got everyone’s attention. Patty Hailey owned the premiere Chicago event planning company Hailey’s Events. Luke’s Uncle Darren had booked them for Cassie and Jake immediately after they chose their wedding date.

Abbey and Leah quickly took their seats with Roxanna and Madison at the ready. “Cass, would you mind if Madison did an up ’do for me? I really want to impress today,” Leah said.

Cassie swallowed a mouthful of pastry and dabbed her lips with a napkin. “Of course not. I want you and Abbey to feel beautiful today too.”

Abbey smiled, knowing who Leah wanted to impress. Poor Leah. She’d been in love with Heath Jackson all her life. The sexy, blond-haired, hazel-eyed mountain of man and former Marine was one of Jake’s closest friends and a groomsman. Heath had been Leah’s second next-door neighbor growing up. Unfortunately for Leah, Heath was ten years older than she was and regarded her as more of a pesky little sister than a potential love match. At twenty-five, Leah wasn’t a child, but Heath hadn’t seemed to notice. Maybe today Leah would make sure he did. Abbey didn’t envy Heath. When Leah put her mind to something, she went after it with gusto.

“This need to impress wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain sexy, blond-haired, tattooed Marine, who’s also a groomsman, would it?” Abbey teased.

“Oh, do tell,” Madison said as she worked on Leah’s hair.