Page 57 of On the Ropes

“See? I told you,” Luke whined.

Abbey wasn’t sure what to believe. This conversation could be a part of game Luke and Brenna were playing. Abbey didn’t dare to hope what Brenna was saying was the truth.

“Be quiet, Luke,” Brenna scolded. “I know you’ve probably read and heard the hurtful things my father has said to and about me. He’s made no secret of how little he thinks of me because of my chosen profession.”

In that regard, Abbey knew Brenna was telling the truth. Mr. Sinclair, a southern Baptist Minister, had been brutal in his criticism of his oldest child and of the acting community as a whole. Abbey had found his remarks way out of line. Brenna’s reputation was impeccable, considering how scandalously many others in Hollywood behaved.

Brenna was known as a consummate professional, drama averse and a humanitarian. She had helped to bring a lot of attention to the Cobras’ Children’s Foundation and many other charitable organizations. From all accounts, Brenna Sinclair was the real deal. Her father’s behavior toward his oldest child was unfair and unwarranted.

“Because of my father’s disdain for me, I talked Luke into being my cover so I didn’t have to endure even more public scorn from my father for my choice of romantic partners.”

Hope bloomed in Abbey’s chest. Was it possible Luke had been telling the truth? Was what happened at the hotel’s restaurant entrance all an act? Why hadn’t Luke warned her so she could have avoided the pain and anguish of believing he was a lying, cheating asshole?

“So you’re really a lesbian? Not that it matters.” Abbey had no issue with homosexuals. It wasn’t for her to judge or make issue with who people chose to be with, love, or marry.

Brenna laughed through Luke’s cell phone speaker. “Not exactly. I’ve been dating women for the last few years, but I’ve had serious relationships with men too. If I had to put a label on myself, which I hate to do, I suppose I consider myself a bisexual.”

Was Luke frowning? He looked disappointed. “So you weren’t attracted to me at all then?” Luke asked with amusement in his voice.

“Sorry, pretty boy, but no,” Brenna replied with a smile in her voice.

“Have you been staying here at the Fairchild this weekend?” Abbey needed to know. She wanted to fully understand what was going on before deciding about her and Luke. She still had doubts.

Abbey heard shuffling and a clicking sound.

“No, I’m not at the Fairchild. Luke, I just texted you a picture,” Brenna said.

After a couple of swipes, Luke held his phone up so Abbey could see. The photo showed Brenna holding up the room service menu and room key card from the Drake Hotel there in Oak Brook, near the Fairchild Hotel.

Abbey felt herself relax a little, but she was still hesitant to fully believe.

“I had intended on contacting Entertainment Tonight and mention that Luke and I parted ways with some excuse about conflicting work schedules, blah, blah, blah. But when I saw a couple of social media posts with you and Luke, I thought maybe I’d try the whole drama queen bit—and I failed miserably. Sometimes you needa script,” Brenna admitted.

Luke swiped his phone and held it out to Abbey again. “Brenna has been texting me all weekend, hoping I could convince you to take me back for good. She’s been on our side the entire time, princess.”

Abbey quickly scanned the text message thread between Luke and Brenna, confirming what Luke said. Her heart skipped a beat. Based on their texts, Brenna had been encouraging Luke not to give up on getting her back. Brenna had been fully on board with what Luke was calling “Mission Abbey”. Abbey’s eyes misted. Luke really loves me. He hasn’t been lying.

“I’m beyond sorry at how badly I handled things. I’ve spoken with Darren and he agreed to let me say a few words to clear everything up and come clean tomorrow afternoon at the start of the Cobras’ press conference,” Brenna explained.

Abbey couldn’t let Brenna do that. It could further damage her strained relationship with her father. Although Brenna’s sexual orientation shouldn’t adversely affect her acting career, unfortunately, it could.

“Brenna, it’s all right, you don’t need to do that on my account. I agree you handled things really badly, but I believe you. Our conversation is good enough for me.” Abbey hoped she could spare Brenna some pain and humiliation.

“I appreciate that, Abbey, but it’s not good enough for me. I’ve been a coward. Luke’s been a good friend to me and I let him down.”

Luke shook his head vigorously. “Brenna, it’s all right. You don’t have to…”

“Yes, Luke, I do,” Brenna interrupted. “I’m not ashamed of who I am. I’m ashamed of how I’ve behaved when it comes to the two of us.”

“But what about your father? What about your acting career? What if your announcement negatively impacts your current work? Future projects? You have a movie opening soon.” Abbey needed to make Brenna understand she didn’t need to put it all out there. She could save herself. They would all survive what happened earlier. Nothing more needed to be said or done. The press would move on to another scandal and they’d quickly be forgotten. They’d become old news.

Brenna sighed over the phone. “My announcement might actually end up being a good thing. Garner support. Coming out, so to speak, won’t necessarily be the kiss of death for my career. If it is, well … I’ve invested my income wisely over the years. I’ve been smart, and I’ll be fine. Luke inspired me. I didn’t draw attention to it, but I earned my degree in marketing a couple of years back. I have options. If my acting career takes a hit, I can devote more time to my humanitarian efforts.”

Luke smiled at Abbey, obviously proud of Brenna. Abbey was proud of her too. Brenna Sinclair was one special lady. Abbey now understood why Luke had helped her. He was a good man. Her man.

“And as far as my father goes, we don’t have much of a relationship at the moment. The mighty minister has a few secrets of his own that I’ve been holding on to for a long time. Hethat iswithoutsinamongyou,lethimcastthefirststone. If he dares to make issue, the gloves come off. It’ll all work out. I have faith. You both should too.”

Luke looked at Abbey for support and she nodded. “All right, if you’re sure, we’ll follow your lead. Thank you.”