Page 56 of On the Ropes

Was Luke lying about his shoulder and career coming to an end too? What about his Uncle Darren, did he really have cancer, or what that all part of Luke’s act to garner sympathy so she’d sleep with him? Abbey shook her head. It didn’t matter. She had to worry about herself now.

Reluctantly, she stood up and took a couple deep breaths. She needed to get her things together, go home, and regroup. The faster she got out of the Fairchild, the better.

Abbey retrieved her carry-on bag from the bedroom closet and proceeded to the en suite bathroom to quickly toss her toiletries inside her bag. She wasn’t concerned with being organized. She needed to get a move on.

Someone pounded on the door just as she had finished packing up all her things. “What now?” she muttered to herself. Did the paparazzi get past the hotel security guards and Luke’s security detail? She waited silently in the suite’s living room.

“Abbey! I know you’re in there,” Luke shouted.

Her stomach twisted. What the hell was wrong with him? Did he think she would ever want to speak to him again? After what just happened? He’s lost his mind.

He pounded on the door again. “Abbey let me in. Let me explain what’s going on. Come on, princess.”

She fisted her hands, her anger building. “Don’t call me princess. Save that for Brenna, asshole.”

“Calm down and open the door,” he pleaded.

“Fuck you, Luke. Don’t tell me what to do. I have nothing to say to you. Not anymore,” she shot back.

Why couldn’t he leave her alone? Why did he insist on trying to feed her more lies? Did he think she’d believe him now, after being caught in a lie? He had to be crazy. There was no other explanation.

“That’s enough, Abbey. I’m not playing around. Open the damned door. Now,” Luke insisted.

She growled. The nerve! Ordering her around like she was his flunky. “And I told you, I have nothing to say, asshole. You’ve had your fun. Go back to Brenna and leave me alone.”

“I’m not going anywhereuntil you open this door. Either you open the door, or I’ll get someone from the hotel staff to open it. Your choice,” Luke threatened.

Choices. Yeah, right. Her choices had been taken away from her when Luke had decided to lie to her all weekend.

Abbey was too emotionally drained to continue arguing. Maybe if she allowed Luke to “explain” then she could leave and get on with her life. Letting Luke in her suite might be the fastest way to get back home.

She opened the door and Luke stormed in. She couldn’t look him in the eye. Why was he holding a bag from the Fairchild spa? She sighed. What did it matter? It was probably spa products for Brenna. How insulting that he brought them with him. Was he going to “explain” that away too?

He put his hand under her chin and she backed away. “Abbey, come on, please look at me,” he begged, his voice barely a whisper.

Fine. Maybe it would speed things along so she could go home. She looked at him. She tried not to feel sorry for him. He looked haggard. His hair was sticking up all over as if he’d been running his fingers through it.

“Fine, go ahead and explain,” she relented, defeated.

“Luke? Did she let you in her room?” Who was that? Was someone outside?

“Yes, Brenna. I’m in her room,” Luke said as he took his cell phone out of his back pocket.

What kind of game were Luke and Brenna playing? Was that paparazzo right? Were they into threesomes?

Abbey wanted none of this. She opened her suite door. “I don’t know what you two are doing or what you’re into, but I’m not interested. Luke, please leave. Find someone else to play your kinky games with. I’m not the one.”

“Abbey, pleasehear us out. Nothing kinky is going on, I swear.” This came from Luke’s cell phone. Brenna, she assumed. “Please, Abbey.”

Abbey slid down the suite door onto her ass, cushioned by the room’s plush carpeting. She crossed her legs and crossed her arms under her chest. “Fine. Go ahead. Let’s get this over with.”

Luke sat down on the floor cross-legged, directly in front of Abbey, and held his cell phone out toward her. “Go ahead, Brenna.”

“First, I want to say how sorry I am,” Brenna began.

For what? Luke was the one who should be sorry. “What for? Luke is the one who created this mess. He had me convinced you two weren’t together. I’m not some skank, like the paparazzi were trying to insinuate.” Abbey glared at Luke. He had the decency to look apologetic. It didn’t matter.

“I know that. And Luke wasn’t lying. We’re not together. We never were,” Brenna continued.