Page 48 of On the Ropes

The events of the last few days had finally caught up to Luke. His eyes stung. Darren had stopped Luke from crying at the hospital when he’d told him about his diagnosis. But here, alone with Abbey and with only the soft light from one of the bedroom nightstands on, he felt free to release the pain and sorrow he’d been holding in.

“Even without my injury, though, you know Darren and I planned for this. If I hadn’t gotten hurt on Wednesday, I might have given myself another year, possibly two.” Luke finally allowed his tears to fall.

Abbey held him tightly, giving him the space he needed to just be. She sniffled and gently stroked his hair, comforting him the best way she could.

“But Abbey, Darren’s sick. The prognosis isn’t good, so we decided I’d transition to ownership of … everything now, rather than later. I haven’t talked to him in detail because of the wedding, but I’m guessing there’ll be a press conference early next week.”

Luke’s tears ran unchecked as he wept, holding his true love in his arms. He mourned the end of an amazing career, one he was so very proud of. He mourned what he believed would be the eventual loss of his uncle, his second father, his mentor, his advisor, the last of his immediate family. Although Darren could easily afford the best of care, money couldn’t fix everything. Rich or poor, cancer was a motherfucker. It didn’t play favorites.

Luke positioned himself fully on top of Abbey, resting on his elbows so he didn’t crush her. “It’s going to be all right, baby. As long as I have you beside me, I know everything will be all right.”

She brushed away the tears from Luke’s face and smiled affectionately at him. “I’ll be right here with you, Luke. I promise. I love you. I’ll help you and Darren however I can.”

Hard again since Abbey was naked beneath him, Luke easily slid his cock inside her. She was still slick from both of them coming earlier. Her pussy gripped his dick tight as he slowly thrusted in and out of her, taking his time, savoring the feel of her.

They tenderly made love as they kissed and whispered words of love and affirmation to each other. They were bound together heart and soul. When Luke shot his cum deep inside her, he prayed they’d created a life. The perfect combination of the two of them—smart, caring, ambitious, athletic. He hoped their first child would be a boy, chauvinistic as that sounded. He couldn’t help it. Men wanted mini versions of themselves. That was just how it was. Luke wanted daughters too, though. Pretty little versions of his princess. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought. His future family would be amazing.

“Luke, that’s the second time you didn’t use a condom. Do you normally not wear one?”

Shit. Luke had hoped she was so caught up in reconnecting after so many years that she wouldn’t notice they’d not used protection. He’d always used a condom, never went bareback. Too risky for many reasons. But Abbey was his forever. Luke had every intention of getting her pregnant as soon as possible.

“I’ve always suited up, baby. Every time. I’m clean though. You don’t have to worry about that.” Luke pulled out, immediately missing Abbey’s warmth around his dick. He placed her head on his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re not on the pill?”

She sighed and snuggled against him. “Well, no. The last couple of years have been brutal with night school and work. I didn’t do much dating, let alone have sex.”

Hope bloomed in his heart at the possibility that she couldget pregnant this weekend. He knew he was being underhanded about it. He wasn’t letting Abbey get away again. Pregnant or not.

“So there’s a chance you could get pregnant?” Luke waited patiently while Abbey seemed to do the calculations in her head. Let it be the right time of the month.

Abbey stiffened against him, but Luke stroked her arm gently, hoping to calm her down. “Yes, maybe. Luke we have to be careful next time.”

Thank fuck. “Princess, would it be so awful if you happen to get pregnant from fucking me today? I’m not going anywhere, either way. You can trust me.” He knew he was moving fast, but he felt like he wasn’t moving fast enough. He had ten years to make up for. From his perspective, he and Abbey were behind schedule.

She blew out a breath and relaxed against him, her warm skin comforting and soothing. He wanted Abbey to believe they were together again. For good this time.

“I suppose not, although knocking me up like this might not go over well with my folks. Even as much as my father likes you. I’m his youngest daughter, his little girl. I think he has a shotgun.” Abbey giggled and kissed his chest. “I’ve always wondered what our children would be like. I was hoping for little mini Lukes to join the Cobras’ roster.”

He vowed to do his best to make Abbey a mini Luke as soon as he could. “Challenge accepted, princess. And don’t worry, I’ll handle your father.” He was pretty sure her father wouldn’t be too upset. Luke had an important surprise locked up in his hotel suite safe.