Page 49 of On the Ropes

Chapter Ten

Abbey slowly woke to the decadent feeling of Luke’s warm body spooning hers. His leg hair tickled the back of her legs and his arm was protectively around her waist. She smiled, feeling his morning erection pressed against her ass. His long even breathing suggested he was still sleeping. She could definitely get used to waking up like this every morning. And if he had meant what he’d said earlier this morning, she would be.

She still couldn’t believe she was here after so many years. Abbey had wasted ten long years being angry, hurt, and stubborn when she could have spent it being with Luke. If only she would have let him explain. Then who knew where they’d be by now. Married most likely. Probably a kid or two. Little mini versions of Luke.

Her hand instinctively went to her abdomen. Based on her cycle, there was a chance she could be pregnant. The thought should have made her nervous, considering she and Luke had only just reunited, but because she loved him so much, she was hopeful. Hopeful of the amazing future they could build together. Finally, after being apart for so long.

Abbey thought back to everything they’d talked about. She was humbled because he trusted her enough to tell her about his amazing career coming to an end and his Uncle Darren’s condition. She wasn’t ready to use the C-word just yet. Abbey had always known Darren to be a strong, vibrant man. Driven. Ambitious. Well respected in the sports community as well as the business community. He’ll beat this. He has to, for Luke’s sake and his own. It hurt her heart to think Luke could lose anotherparent.

She looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. The red display showed it was nearly ten thirty. She and Luke had managed a few hours of sleep, at least. Instead of feeling tired, Abbey felt refreshed with a renewed sense of optimism.

Needing to use the bathroom, she gently eased herself out of bed. Luke moaned in his sleep and turned onto his back.She frowned at the bruises on his shoulder, the deep red and dark purple spots a harsh contrast against the bright white bedsheets.

In slumber, with his hair tussled and his face peaceful, he looked young and carefree. Unfortunately, at the moment, he was anything but. Abbey meant what she’d told him when he confided in her earlier. She’d do anything she could to help him and Darren through the transitions that were being thrust upon them now. She would let Luke sleep a little longer before they needed to get ready for brunch.

She quietly padded to the luxurious en suite bathroom, clicking the door closed. She’d never seen anything so lavish. It was nearly the size of her apartment, with heated, white Italian marble floors, an oversized white jetted tub, a ceiling dripping with glistening chandeliers, and a plush, eight-foot long, white backless couch conveniently placed in front of an enormous glass-enclosed shower with too many shower and steam heads to count.

She took care of business and washed her hands. Abbey looked at herself in the vanity mirror. Her eyes were bright and her skin glowed. Several hickeys and love bites on her breasts and stomach stood out against her light complexion. Luke had marked her as his and she couldn’t help but feel thrilled.

She was sticky. Sticky because Luke had decided he needed to eat wedding cake off her body before they’d fallen asleep. She stretched, feeling pleasantly sore in all the right places, especially between her legs.

Luke’s cock was bigger than the last time they were together. Almost painfully big, but she didn’t mind, welcoming the pain. Just as she finished brushing her teeth with the hotel-provided toothbrush, Luke stumbled in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Abbey stood there looking her fill at the god of a man in front of her. He’s beautiful. Golden-blond hair mussed up from sleep, long, powerful legs, six-pack abs, lean, muscular arms, and nearly fully erect. Aside from the angry-looking bruises on his shoulder, Luke was perfect. And mine. She felt her nipples pucker and her pussy slicken just watching him stand there, not fully awake yet.

“You left me,” Luke muttered as he walked toward her. Stalked toward her.

“I didn’t leave you. I had to use the bathroom.”

He stopped in front of her, leaned over, and gently kissed all the marks he’d left on her body. His warm lips on her skin had her body humming. How could she want him again? He’s turned me into a nympho.

Luke grunted and used the toilet, unbothered by her presence. Rather than feel uncomfortable, she felt content by the intimacy they shared. It felt right to her. As it should be between them now.

After he finished, he washed his hands and brushed his teeth using items from his black leather toiletry bag. He stroked his hard dick a couple of times and took Abbey by the hand, trying to lead her out of the bathroom.

“Back to bed, princess. I need you.”

She gently pulled out of his grasp. “Luke, we have to get ready for brunch, remember? We’re all meeting at the restaurant at noon.”

Luke sighed and shook his head. “Forget brunch. I’d rather spend the day in bed fucking you, trying to make a little mini Luke,” he whined.

Abbey quivered at the thought. Not only of spending the day in bed with Luke, but of the possibility of making a baby. Luke’s baby. She knew he would make a wonderful father if his work with the kids from the children’s foundation was any indication.

As if on cue, both their stomachs growled. They had worked up an appetite. “See? We’re both hungry after all that strenuous physical activity, right? I hear the brunch buffet has prime rib, honey-glazed ham, and turkey carving stations. Doesn’t that sound delicious?”

Luke’s stomach growled again, even louder than before. He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so, but we can always order up room service, you know,” he countered.

Abbey chuckled. Poor Luke. He couldn’t get what he wanted exactly when he wanted it. If they were going to start a family, which she still couldn’t wrap her head around just yet, he’d have to get used to delayed gratification.

“I know, but we promised Jake we’d be there. It’s just for a little while. We can build up our strength with some great food and then we can come right back up here, like you want to. What do you say?” She smiled at him, amused as he seemed to contemplate whether they would keep their promise to Jake.

Luke blew out a frustrated breath. “Fine, but we take a shower together before heading to brunch.” He turned knobs and pressed buttons, and the shower magically came to life. Luke let the shower run for a few moments and guided Abbey into the warm spray.

She sighed as the warm, pressured water eased her sore muscles. Heaven. Pure heaven. She felt Luke at her back, wet and warm, and he wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his hard dick pressed against the crack of her ass. She wiggled and Luke groaned.

Shivers went down her spine when he placed light little kisses along her neck and shoulders. “Here, let me work some of the kinks out, baby,” Luke murmured softly and rubbed her neck, shoulders, and back, easing her tension away.

He worked his way down her back and kneaded the globes of her ass with his warm slippery fingers. So good. She felt him kneel down behind her and he slowly rubbed her thighs and calves. The feel of Luke’s strong hands and fingers on her body had her nipples tightening and her pussy moistening.