Page 61 of On the Ropes

Chapter Twelve

Luke followed his new fiancée into Jake and Cassie’s suite and clicked the door closed. That’s right, I’m locking that shit down. He intended on getting married as quickly as possible. No drawn-out engagement like his big brother Jake. Nope.

Seated around the large living room, in various chairs and couches, were the people who meant the most to him. His family. He looked around and between him and Abbey, Rocco, both sets of parents, Darren and Maureen, Leah, Heath, and the newlyweds he counted only thirteen. Grandma Ruth and Grandma Beverly were missing.

Jake paced in the center of the room. “Nice of you to fucking join us. Didn’t I tell you ten minutes, Luke?”

Shit. Jake was angry. He needed to calm him down. “Look Jake, know you’re pissed…”

Jake stopped pacing and clenched his hands. “Just shut the fuck up, will you? I’m doing the talking right now.”

Damn. Luke put his hands up in surrender. Abbey guided him to chairs closest to the suite door and they sat down.

Abbey looked around the room and frowned. “I’m sorry, Jake, but where are the grandmothers?”

Cassie urged Jake to sit down next to her so they faced everyone in the room. “They were so upset by the fucking circus after brunch, we sent them to the spa to calm down.”

Everyone startled at the pounding on the suite’s door. “Open this damn door! We know you’re all in there!” That was Grandma Ruth.

“That’s right! Did you think you could just shuffle us off? We’ve got news for you, you can’t!” And there went Grandma Beverly.

Christ, what a clusterfuck. Luke leaped up and opened the door. Both grandmothers stormed in, looking as angry as Jake.

“See, I told you Bev. They’re all here,” Grandma Ruth accused.

Jake stood up and calmly walked over to the Ruth and Beverly, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “Ladies, why aren’t you at the spa?”

Was Jake serious? Didn’t he see the grandmothers were angry at being left out of their family meeting? Even Luke understood. And rightly so. Ruth and Beverly were tough old birds. Their minds were still sharp, and they were in decent health considering their advancing age. Come on, Jake, don’t be a dick. Treat them like adults.

Both ladies pulled away from Jake. “Screw the spa. Don’t treat us like we’re frail and feeble minded. We’re an important part of this family and we should be right here along with everyone else.” Ruth nodded once and looked at Beverly who nodded back in agreement.

Jake, the dope he was, wouldn’t let it go. “But we didn’t want to upset you any more than you already were. The conversation will get heated. I guarantee it.”

Grandma Beverly waved a hand dismissively. “So what? You think we haven’t heard curse words before or used them ourselves? Shit, fuck, asshole, bitch.”

Luke couldn’t help but smile. Let him have it, Grandma Bev.

“Prick, cock, crap, balls,” Grandma Ruth added. “So enough with the shit and let’s get this meeting started.”

Jake threw his hands up in defeat. “Fine. I’m sorry for excluding you, even though I thought I was being considerate. It won’t happen again. Come on, there’s room there on the couch beside Rocco.”

Both grandmothers sat down, with Rocco on one end of the couch and Grandma Ruth on the other. “We noticed you spending time with the pretty event planner Hannah at the reception.” Grandma Beverly waggled her eyebrows at Rocco.

The big Italian Marine blushed and suddenly found the floor terribly interesting. “Jake and Cassie had us seated at the same table,” he mumbled.

“Yes, we saw that. You should ask her out on a date,” Ruth added.

Beverly shook her head. “No, it’s called hooking up now, Ruth. That’s what the young people call it.”

“Oh. Well then you two should hook up on a date.” Ruth smiled brightly at Rocco and nodded at him.

God, he loved these women. What a riot. The room laughed at poor Rocco’s expense.

“Gram, hooking up means having sex,” Jake explained with a smile on his face.

“Hannah is a lovely girl. She’s beautiful and has a nice figure. Don’t you want to have sex with her, Rocco?” Beverly asked with all seriousness.

Luke thought Rocco would pass out from embarrassment. He needed to help his buddy out. “Bev, Rocco’s bringing Hannah to Jake and Cassie’s after they get back from their honeymoon. To their wedding gift-opening party, as his date.”