Page 62 of On the Ropes

Grandma Beverly patted Rocco’s leg happily. “That’s wonderful news! You can have hooking up sex with her after the party then.”

“But be safe. Use condoms. You can get them at Walmart. They’re not very expensive,” Ruth advised a beet-red Rocco.

Rocco nodded his head, looking mortified. “Yes, ma’am.”

After the laughter died down, Jake cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. Luke wanted to start by apologizing to everyone, but his princess shook her head at him.

Jake held Cassie’s hand and looked around the room. “Now that that’s settled, we can start this family meeting or, to use Darren’s term, our family press conference.”

Luke needed to speak up. Sorry, princess. “Look Jake, I’m…”

Jake glared at Luke and put a hand up to stop him. “Can’t you just shut the fuck up for once? I’m doing the talking right now.”

Luke closed his mouth. So much for trying to apologize.

Jake continued. “The reason Cassie and I called this meeting or press conference is because we’re sick of all the secrets that everyone’s been keeping from us all weekend. It stops. Now.”

Cassie kissed Jake sweetly on the cheek, love radiating between the newlyweds. “We know it’s our wedding weekend and you’ve all been trying to be considerate of that. Jake and I appreciate that, we do.”

“But,” Jake cut in, “we’re not fucking children. If there is something important going on with any of you, you need to come clean right away. It doesn’t matter whatever else is going on. We’re all adults and we’ll fucking deal with it. Understood?” Jake looked around the room. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“So from now on, no more secrets. And to show you Cassie and I are serious, I’m going to start with a secret we’ve been keeping even though we’re not ready to share it for what you’ll understand are obvious reasons.” Jake kissed Cassie’s hand softly and smiled. Cassie beamed.

“Cassie and I are expecting. She’s eight weeks along,” Jake announced proudly.

The room erupted in cheers and applause. Luke held Abbey’s hand tightly. He hoped soon they’d be making the same announcement too.

“But what about the honeymoon? Should you still go? Is it safe?” Monica Jayne looked tearful and panicked, obviously concerned for Cassie and the baby.

“It’s perfectly safe. Cassie and the baby are both doing fine. We’ll be careful. Our plan was to relax and unwind anyway,” Jake assured her. “I’m asking all of you not to say anything until Cassie’s safely past the first trimester though. Just in case.”

“And Luke, don’t go prepay a Harvard degree for the baby. I mean it.”

That was it. Luke was done. Abbey squeezed his hand, probably hoping it would calm him down, but it wouldn’t work this time.

“You know what, Jake? Fuck you. Since we’re all supposed to air our grievances and come clean, I have something to say too. I’m so sick and tired of getting shit whenever I want to buy something for you. You didn’t give Darren a hard time when he hired Hailey’s Events to plan your wedding. So don’t give me one when I block and pay for some hotel suites, or snag you a few bottles of Utopias or pay for brunch.”

“I think I speak for everyone in the room, other than Darren, when I say we don’t want to take advantage, Luke,” Heath began. “You’re family, we don’t care you have money. Hell, Jake and I have known you since you were two—long before you became a professional athlete and multi-millionaire or billionaire.”

Jake nodded at Heath and turned to Luke. “Heath’s right. Regardless of the money, we’re family. You’re too generous, man. You don’t need to buy us so much. We’ll love you anyway, asshole.”

Luke rolled his eyes. They didn’t get it. He’d have to make them all understand “See? I don’t think I’ve done enough. All my millions as Heath put it, what good are they if I can’t fucking share them with all of you? What I’ve spent is a drop in the bucket and I could do so much more and I’d still have enough to last ten lifetimes.”

“None of us feel comfortable asking for things, Luke. We’re all working. We’re all supporting ourselves. No one wants a handout. Don’t you get that?” Jake frowned, looking conflicted.

Luke shook his head. “That’s just it. None of you ask. I offer, happily. And I know if the situation were reversed and one of you had this kind of money, you’d do the same thing and you all know it.”

Darren nodded his support and Luke he was grateful. His uncle was the most generous man he knew. Not only financially either. Luke’s stomach twisted as the thought of losing him. The world would be a lesser place without Darren Stryker in it. He wondered if Darren would “come clean” and share his diagnosis with everyone in the room. Luke hoped so. He didn’t like keeping secrets as much as Jake was making issue with it at the moment.

“Speaking as someone who has even more money than my boy here,” Darren began, “what you might perceive as overly generous or charity, we see differently. The money provides options. It’s supposed to help make our lives easier. And it’s given out of love, not charity. Never. So can you all see yourselves relaxing your position on this for us? Please?”

Luke couldn’t have said it any better. Everything he’d ever done and would ever do for the people in the room—all of it—came from a place of love. “I’d like to add one thing to what Darren, Dad, said. When we offer or get you something, we don’t expect you to kiss our asses. Don’t fuss, don’t cuss me out, just say thanks. Can everyone agree to that, at least?”

Luke held his breath, waiting for everyone’s response. He had a few ideas he wanted to share right now, if everyone could agree to relax on the gift-giving shit. He looked around the room, and everyone reluctantly nodded their agreement. Darren winked Luke’s way.

Thanks, Dad.

Luke rubbed his hands together conspiratorially. Jake and Rocco groaned. Too bad, guys. “First, Rocco, dude, it’s time for a new truck. Your Silverado is what, nearly twenty years old? And you bought it used. Time for an upgrade. You’ve honorably served this country and you deserve something better to drive.” Luke saw Rocco open his mouth to object and Luke raised a brow. “How about Wednesday we go get you a new Silverado 3500HD?”