Page 25 of On the Ropes

Jake leaned back and admired the church ceiling with Luke. “You didn’t really think you could just show up after not seeing her for ten years and she’d fall into your lap, did you? That’s arrogant, even for you, little brother.”

Luke sat up in his seat, smiling at Jake’s endearment. It was true. Luke had two big brothers, Jake and Heath.

“I didn’t expect her to fall at my feet, but I also didn’t expect her to be so angry after all this time either.” Luke didn’t want Abbey thinking he thought so little of her. She wasn’t some quick and easy fuck like she’d suggested. She was his woman, always had been and would be again. He needed to convince her of that fact.

Jake sat up. “Don’t give up on her. Give her a chance to let her feelings out, then go from there. The day is still young.”

Luke knew Jake was right. But it wasn’t easy because he knew he hadn’t betrayed Abbey. He needed her to let him explain what she actually saw when she had walked in on him ten years ago, not what she thought see saw.

“Do you know what a reboot weekend is?”

Jake eyebrows furrowed. “Like the server maintenance they do at OSG? According to Abbey, they reboot their servers on a rotating schedule.”

Luke shook his head. “The Cobras’ data center does that too. I don’t think that’s it, though. She got a few texts that upset her but she said it wasn’t the office. But she said I was ruining her reboot weekend.”

“Sorry, Luke. I don’t know what that means. Cass hasn’t said anything.”

A thought occurred to Luke that had his blood boiling. Was Abbey seeing someone? Were those texts from him? Was he trying to upset her today of all days? The thought of Abbey with someone else now that he was back in town to claim her as his had him fisting his hands. He wasn’t stupid enough to think Abbey had pined over him for ten years. He knew through Jake that Abbey had dated over the years, but with her work and night school schedules, it had never resulted in anything serious. That gave him a small sense of comfort.

Luke didn’t relish the thought of Abbey fucking another man, even if that made him seem like a caveman asshole. Abbey belonged to him. All of her—her soft full tits, luscious lips, and her tight little pussy. They belonged to him and him alone.

Although Luke had been seen with various celebrities, models, and reality show stars over the years, much of what everyone saw and read wasn’t true. Most were strategic photo and publicity opportunities.

Not that Luke had been a monk over the last ten years. He’d done a fair amount of fucking, but never with anyone he had ever considered special. Luke’s own schedule had been brutal these last ten years too and the truth of the matter was no one, no matter how famous or outwardly beautiful, compared to his princess Abbey.

Luke needed to know what he was up against though. “I know I should have asked before, but is Abbey seeing anyone?”

Jake shook his head. “Not that I know of, and Cassie hasn’t said anything about a man in Abbey’s life.”

Luke’s stomach grumbled. He needed to eat something. He needed more in his stomach than pain pills, breath mints, and a few pulls of beer.

Jake stood and Luke followed suit. “Luke, thanks for the dove release. Cassie was thrilled. But you’ve got to stop with the gifts. It’s too much. I mean it.”

Luke walked toward the door leading to Fellowship Hall and snacks. “Jake, get over it. You know I’m a simple guy. I don’t own twenty homes and a hundred fancy cars. It makes me happy to spend some money on my friends and family. What else am I going to do with it? And soon I’ll have a new little niece or nephew to spoil.”

Jake smiled at the mention of his new baby. He let out a breath. “How about you tell me about all these secrets you’re obviously keeping and then maybe I’ll relax on the gift giving?”

Luke laughed at his big brother and shook his head. Jake wouldn’t let it go. “Sorry, man, you need to trust me. Come on, I’m starving.”

“I really hate you right now. But don’t overdo it. We’re doing dinner up well at Antonetti’s tonight.”

Luke had no intention of stuffing himself on snacks. He loved Antonetti’s. Cucina Antonetti’s had been an Elmhurst staple for years and one of Chicagoland’s favorite Italian restaurants. It was one of Jake and Cassie’s favorites and when they decided on their wedding date, both Luke and his Uncle Darren contacted the owner Carlo Antonetti to ensure they had an available banquet room. Luke smiled to himself. Not all of his wedding-related gifts had been obvious. Jake and Cassie didn’t need to know.

With the ceremony behind them, Luke could now refocus on Abbey. He’d told her earlier she wouldn't be able to get away from him and he meant it.