Page 24 of On the Ropes

Luke quickly swiped away the tear that slid down his cheek. He turned around to see if anyone was watching him and saw Abbey coming toward him from one of the church’s side doors.

God does answer all prayers, doesn’t he?

As Abbey walked toward him, Luke’s heart rate sped up and he felt his dick twitch in excitement. Damn how she affected him. He smiled at her, and to his relief, she smiled back.

Luke moved over in the pew so she could join him. She sat next to him, with her cell phone in hand, careful not to touch him. Luke was having none of that and scooted over so their thighs touched. He felt her stiffen slightly then relax. She wanted Luke to think she was unaffected by him, but her pretty blue eyes were dilating and he saw her pulse fluttering on her neck.

“The dove release you set up for Cassie and Jake, that was really nice. It was the perfect end to the ceremony,” she whispered.

Luke had asked Patty Hailey to tell Cassie and Jake that she wasn’t able to get a dove release for them if they had asked. It turned out they hadn’t so Luke was able to sneak in a surprise for the couple.

“No need to thank me, I was happy to surprise them with it.” Luke was encouraged by their cordial conversation. Did this mean Abbey was warming up to him?

Abbey’s phone chimed with a text and she frowned at what she read. Luke knew she was essentially always on call for her job. Office Supply Galaxy was too cheap to get her the help she needed. “Is the office paging you? Don’t they know you have important family commitments this weekend?”

Luke was pissed. Abbey’s manager took advantage of her kind nature. As soon as he got her back for good, he would ask her to quit her job. There would always be a place for Abbey in the Chicago Cobras organization. They could use someone as intelligent and hardworking as her. He’d prefer she not work at all, but he didn’t think she would agree to that. His princess needed to be challenged and contribute. It was one of the many things Luke loved about her and always would.

Abbey quickly replied to the text and shook her head, frowning. “They know I have commitments this weekend, but no, they’re not paging me.”

Luke couldn’t stop himself from wondering why the text was bothering her so much. His protective instincts rushed to the surface. No one bothered his princess. Not now, not ever.

“So what’s got you upset if it’s not the office bothering you?” He hoped she’d confide in him, like she used to so many years ago. Once upon a time, they’d shared everything. He desperately needed to get back to that time. He needed Abbey now more than ever.

She waved a hand dismissively. “It’s nothing for you to worry about. Just forget about it.”

Luke tried to not let the brush off bother him, but it wasn’t easy. He leaned into her a little closer, reveling in the warm feel of her body against his. “I do worry about you, princess. Let me help you.”

Just like that, the daggers flew from Abbey’s eyes at him. She shoved at him and he moved away, putting space between them in the pew. He mourned the loss of her touch.

“Shouldn’t you be worrying about your wife? I doubt she’d be thrilled to know you’re coming on to me while she’s who knows where, pregnant with your child. I stopped being yours to worry about a long time ago.” Abbey made to stand and leave, but he took a hold of her arm and pulled her back down onto the pew.

Luke’s ears rang and his heart galloped in his chest. If Abbey wanted to do this the hard way, he’d oblige. “And I told you, don’t believe everything you read or hear. I also told you, you can’t get away from me, so stop trying.”

Abbey’s phone chimed again with another text message which she ignored. “Okay, fine, so you’re not married. You’re still with someone else. And not just any someone else, one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood right now. If Brenna’s off on location somewhere this weekend and you’re looking for some company so you can cheat on her, look somewhere else. I’m most certainly not going to be that girl for you. If you thought you could just breeze into town this weekend and I’d be some quick and easy fuck, you couldn’t be more wrong. There are plenty of other women attending the reception who’d be more than happy to screw the Luke “Strike ’em out” Stryker, so leave me alone.”

Luke needed to calm her down quick before someone heard them. What he really wanted to do was take her somewhere and fuck the hell out of her and shut her up so she could listen to him without being furious.

“Look, princess, it’s not like that. I don’t think of you that way.” Luke spoke in calm,even tones.

“Stop calling me princess. I’m not your princess. Brenna is now. Can’t you just leave me alone? You’re ruining my reboot weekend.”

This time, Luke let Abbey stand up to leave as Jake approached them. He didn’t want to continue upsetting her, but he didn’t know what to do to get her to calm down and listen to him.

What the hell is a reboot weekend? I thought Abbey said the office wasn’t paging her?

“There you are,” Jake said to Abbey. “Cassie’s looking for you. Do you mind helping her out for a minute? She’s in Fellowship Hall.”

Abbey’s eyes widened in a panic. “Oh no, is she all right?”

Jake chuckled and nodded. “She needs your help real quick to go to the bathroom.”

Abbey smiled at Jake. “We don’t want her dress ruined now, do we?” She kissed Jake on the cheek and took off to help her sister. Luke heard her phone chime with another text message. Abbey didn’t stop to look at it.

Jake took a seat next to Luke, a sappy grin on his face. Luke couldn’t blame him. He’d married the love of his life at long last and they were expecting. Life didn’t get much better than that. If Luke could only get Abbey to calm down and listen to him, life could get a hell of a lotbetter for him too.

Jake leaned forward, placing his forearms on his legs. He turned to Luke, seeming concerned. “Things didn’t sound like they were going too well when I walked up. I’m sorry. I should have asked Leah to help Cassie. Maybe you and Abbey just needed another minute.”

Luke blew out a breath and leaned back in his seat, gazing up at the beautiful religious paintings that decorated the church ceiling. He hoped his prayers would be answered soon. He looked over to Jake. “A few more minutes wouldn’t have helped. She’s pretty angry.”