Nikita had no idea how wrong she was about being dispensable. It was at that moment, her show of blind loyalty, that my walls of indifference began to crumble. The woman was willing to sacrifice herself for me and the family. I didn’t know of anyone else in my organisation who would put the family first in such a dire situation, and certainly not someone who had been a member for less than a week.”

“I can’t make that promise, Nikita. You are now my wife, an important part of my famiglia, and you are mine to protect. I would never turn my back on you.”

“Then I will speak to your father because I will not have you risking your safety.”

"Father will agree with me, but by all means, speak with him." I pushed onto my feet, leaned over and kissed Nikita's forehead. A reminder of our earlier kiss came roaring back with full force and my dick hardened in interest. "Goodnight, Sweetheart."

“Goodnight, Ben.”

I hesitated a moment before leaving the room in a hurry so Nikita wouldn’t be alerted to my arousal. It would put us both in an awkward position.

Chapter Twelve


The following day—Sunday

When my mobile phone buzzed, I watched as the vibration danced it across the surface towards the edge of the bedside table. I reached out and caught the device before it could hit the floor. Sitting up in bed, I entered the security code and opened my notifications.

There was a text from Marilyn. I found it strange since it was a little past 11 am on a Sunday morning and couldn't understand why the principal of a school would be contacting a possible employee on a weekend.

I swiped the screen to fully open the text.

Marilyn: I have been advised of an urgent meeting tomorrow so will be unable to keep our appointment. Would there be any possibility of us meeting today? If so, can we say 1 pm?

A voice in my head warned I needed to be careful, but I ignored the obsessive nagging and typed back a response.

Nikita: Today is fine and 1 pm is suitable.

Marilyn: Are we to pick you up from the address you gave me last time we spoke?

Nikita: Yes, I will be there to meet you.

Marilyn: See you then.

After finishing with Marilyn, I sent a text to Lucia advising her of the change of plan.

Nikita: Lucia, Marilyn has texted to ask me to meet with her today as there is an urgent meeting at school tomorrow. Is it still okay to come to your place?

Lucia: We're out at a friend's place for lunch but I shall contact Mario to pick you up and take you to Casa Del Lupo as planned. What time should I tell him?

Nikita: Thank you. Marilyn is coming at 1 pm.

Lucia: Mario will collect you at 12.30 pm. Tell Benvolio we are having lunch together.

Nikita: I hate lying to him…

Lucia: You wouldn’t have to if he was more understanding about you wanting your own identity. He and his father still don’t understand how this family robs you of your individuality. It will be fine, Honey. Good luck with your meeting. Call me as soon as you are done and let me know how you go.

Nikita: I will. It probably won’t last longer than an hour and a half.

Everything was in place, so feeling excited, I climbed from bed and padded to the ensuite. I turned on the taps to run a bath and added a combination of my favourite perfumed oils before stripping out of my nightdress.

Lowering myself into the warm water, I sighed with contentment. It had been a while since I’d had a long soak in a bath.


After soaking for almost an hour, repeatedly topping the tub up with hot water, I pulled the plug, stood, and stepped out onto the tiled floor.