I downed my fourth whisky and slammed the glass down on my bar top.
“I fucking hate this Gate.”
Gaetano sat, doing the silent thing I hated so much before he finally spoke. "I know you do, Ben, but it is what it is and the sooner you accept things as they are, the better. Your father was right…you were wrong to speak to Nikita the way you did, and you are obsessed with Calliro. There's been no sign of him, Ben. He's gone."
It wasn’t a surprise that Gaetano had been outside my office door, it was where he’d been standing when Father had opened the door as he left.
I shook my head and poured another whisky. "He's out there, Gate. I know he's watching and waiting to make a move. He won't…can't let the death of his brother go without revenge."
Gaetano downed his drink and stood. “We have hundreds of ears to the ground, Ben, and there’s been nothing. Not even a whisper. I’m going home, we’ll speak tomorrow.”
After Gaetano left, I finished my drink and headed upstairs. Dread weighed heavily in my gut.
When I reached the door to Nikita’s bedroom, I sucked in a deep breath. Somehow I needed to remain in control when speaking with my wife. I knocked quietly at the door and waited.
“Come in,” Nikita called out.
The words surprised me and the resignation in her voice bothered me a great deal for some reason. Nikita was one of the strongest women I knew, my equal when it came to her temper and ability to stand up for herself. She wasn't afraid of anyone, least of all me, so I was concerned to hear her sound so defeated.
I pushed the door open and stepped into the room where I found Nikita sitting up in bed. When I caught sight of the red finger marks circling her throat, that I had put there, I felt guilty about losing my temper. I never felt guilty about anything I did so I filed the knowledge away to examine later.
“What do you want, Ben?”
Tingles crept over my skin when she used a nickname that was only ever used by my brother, Gaetano, when we spoke privately.
“Can I sit?”
Nikita nodded and I sat in a chair beside the bed.
"I wanted to apologise for the way I spoke and acted earlier and for how I have treated you since you arrived."
Nikita shrugged, seeming disinterested, so I continued.
"We have been thrown into a situation against our will and are both extremely angry. Unfortunately, we have been directing the anger towards each other. As head of this family, I have a multitude of businesses and problems to deal with every day. I don't have the energy or time to continue to fight and argue with you, so I would like to declare a truce."
Nikita made a show of crossing her arms over her chest. It was good to see some of the fire return and I waited for her temper to rear its head. I had no doubt she would find fault with what I’d said.
"First off, you don't have a clue how to apologise and I suspect that's because you never have to say you're sorry to anyone. Secondly, I don't want to fight with you either, but I need you to start showing me a sliver of respect. I want you to stop threatening me and keep your hands to yourself. I will stay here and satisfy your father's demand for this union, but I insist on being able to live my life without your interference."
I shook my head. “I need you to take one of my men with you when you leave this house. I have powerful enemies, Nikita, one in particular, so you will be required to tell me when you are leaving this house so I can ensure you do not do so alone.”
"Why on earth do I need to be protected; they're your enemies, not mine?"
"Now our union is common knowledge, thanks to Mother who refuses to see the danger you are now in, my enemies will attempt to get to me through you."
“Only friends and family were at the wedding. I’m not seeing the problem,” Nikita argued.
I counted off on my fingers to make a point as I spoke. “Caterers. Photographer. Priest’s aids. Servers. Cleaners. None of those people are loyal to the famiglia and they will talk. Now are you seeing the problem?”
"Good points. I see the problem, so I will speak with you or send a message and, Ben…"
“If one of your enemies does get their hands on me I want you to promise not to give in to demands. The famiglia needs you, I’m dispensable.”