Page 93 of The Devil's Vice

He fishes around in his pocket, then shoves a fist in my direction. The fingers uncurl eerily slow, revealing a small, rounded square of… something. A fingernail.

One look at that fucking smile tells me all I need to know. It’s my fingernail. Ghost must have stolen it after one of my father’s torture sessions and kept it all these years like the creepy fuck he is.

I give the boy an unimpressed glance, though I’m pissed Ghost has possessed this leverage—my DNA—all this time, and I never knew it. Never even suspected such a thing.

“How do I know it’s mine?”

“I think you know.”

I frown, finally stepping into the light to let him get a good look at the gun aimed at his chest. I might believe him, but I still don’t trust him.

He taps his chin. “While you’re contemplating whether to shoot me, Ghost wanted me to tell you one last thing…”

“Which is?” I demand, losing my patience when he stays silent for so long.

He clicks again, reminding me so much of Ghost as a boy. “I’m going to need you to put down your pew-pew before I relay it.”

I roll my eye but holster it anyway. “Tell me.”

He looks at me, and for the first time, something human flashes in his eyes. Something unnervingly like sympathy.

The words that leave his mouth next leave my chest wide open, sending me spiraling, tumbling into a rage so powerful, so potent, I swear it shakes the walls around me.

“They took her.”

They took her. They took her, they took her, they took her. My flower. My Lillith.

“Took you long enough to get here.”

His choice words cause a roar to explode from my chest, and I see Ghost flinch for the first time ever.

“Calm down. We’ll get her back.”

“Where is she?” I snarl, stalking toward his position on the couch. “WHERE IS SHE?”

“I’m trying to find out!” He shoots up, crashing the silver laptop on his lap to the floor. If I could see his face, I know it would be twisted with rage by the way he just cracked. Running a hand through his silver hair, he plops back down on the cushion. “I’m trying to find out…”

The kid beside me raises his hand, and we both jerk to face him. “What?”

“I might know something…”

“You’ve done more than enough,” Ghost hisses, that weird mechanical voice cutting in and out every other word. “I see you’ve met my underling. He must have failed to tell you he is why I sent you to that warehouse, for he’s still breathing.”

“It wasn’t my fault Skullcrusher gave me bad intel,” the boy grumbles, glaring at Ghost. “Callum specifically kept his boys out of the loop, worried there might be a mole in his midst. Guess he wasn’t as stupid as you thought he was. Either that or you’re not as smart as you think.”

Ghost shoots up, that black oval dead set on the kid. “It would be very unwise of you to test me right now. Are you testing me, Orion?”

He rolls his eyes but still mumbles, “Sorry.”

Ghost shakes his head. “Fucking teenagers. Okay, what do you got?”

Orion raises his head, his icy-blue eyes alight. “I know where they’re keeping her. Skullcrusher told me—”

“Isn’t that oaf the reason we’re in this mess in the first place?”

Orion glares and tightens his fists. “This is different. This is info he wasn’t supposed to have. Info he accidentally overheard.” He emphasizes the last word, and Ghost stands a little taller.
