Page 94 of The Devil's Vice

That smirk returns to Orion’s face. “They’re keeping her at Callum’s private residence. His new second is a gossip, and apparently was bragging about how he was going to…” Orion shifts his gaze to me and decides not to finish that statement. “Anyway, he’s having a private…” another look at me, “auction for her, and that’s where he’s holding her until then.”

Red. Everything is red.

“That won’t be happening,” I say, my voice deadly controlled. Orion shivers and takes a step away from me.

“It won’t.” Ghost nods, picks up his laptop, and clicks away. “We’ll save her. I promise.”

A heavy sigh leaves my lips. If there’s one thing about Ghost, he always keeps his word.



The straps under my breasts pinch my skin painfully as Callum tightens the leather ties at the back of my neck. My “outfit” is made of interwoven pieces of leather, crisscrossing over my torso, ass, and thighs in an attempt to make me look more like a sexy leather-bound present. Not a sex slave. Present.

The thought has bile rising in my throat.

“Did you know your friend Drew was supposed to be the one to handle this? Such a shame what happened to him. Such a tragic loss of life,” Callum tuts, adjusting the leather straps that crisscross over my chest. The vile contraption he’s dressing in leaves nothing to the imagination, and by the look in his eye, he’s enjoying every bit of it.

I blink at him, wondering if this is really what he thinks will break me. Drew was a monster who wanted to harm me. Sell me, like this bastard. Fuck. Him.

Failing to get a rise out of me, Callum’s hazel gaze lights with malice. “You know, maybe I should give you a little test drive. After all, you’re not a fucking virgin anymore. What’s one more cock in that used cunt?” His fingers tighten on my forearm, and those pointed teeth snap close to my face, meaning to intimidate me. “You’re barely even worth it as it is. I might as well get my money’s worth. What do you think, baby?”

I take Callum in with a single glance, my expression set in stone.

“When Kain rips the skin from your bones, I think I’ll ask to help.” I’m not sure the voice that comes out is mine, nor do I know where the callous cruelty of the statement came from. All I know is my words are true, and the honesty of it shocks Callum enough that I’m able to wriggle out of his grip.

I press my back against the far wall, giving Callum a feral growl when he steps toward me, silent as a cat on the plush white carpeting of his bedroom.

He lunges at me, and I reach up, meaning to claw his eyes out. He swats me away easily, pinning me by the neck to the wall at my beck. His other hand paws my breast roughly, his fingers foreign against my exposed skin. Wrong.

“There’s that fire I was looking for.” His lips spread to reveal jagged teeth, filed to sharp points like a shark’s. He leans down to my neck, and I let out a roar as I rear back, blind to the pain as the back of my head slams against the wall. I use what little leverage I have to send my forehead into his nose, and a loud crack breaks the air.

“Fuck!” he screams, stepping back as blood gushes down his front. “You broke my fucking nose, you cunt!” He prods the area with his fingertips, wincing whenever he nears the bridge. The blood drip, drip, drips onto the carpet, making a god-awful plopping noise that has ants crawling beneath my skin.

“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he whispers, eyes crazed as he steps toward me, his busted nose forgotten. “I don’t care how much you’re worth, I’m going to make you pay for—”

“Boss?” The door swings open, revealing an ashen man in green leather. “You have a call—”

“Can’t you see I’m BUSY?” Callum roars, his face purpling. Something seems to snap back in place because as quick as the rage arrives, it vanishes from his face. He takes a deep breath, pushes his hair back, and turns to face his underling. “What is so important that you disobeyed my orders to be left alone? And before you speak, remember that your answer depends on whether I let you live.”

“It’s Madam.”

Callum’s shoulders go rigid. “Ah. I see. Well, in that case…” He turns to me, his eerie smile back in place. “I’ll have to deal with you later. In the meantime…” He spares a glance at the man at the door. “You may have your way with her until I return. Bonus points if you make her scream in agony.” A saccharine smile follows. “Goodbye, Lillith.”

As soon as Callum leaves, the man’s expression changes from unease to pure malice. I’m scared of this man. Terrified of this man, just as I am Callum.

My heart slams against my rib cage with each step he takes toward me, and even though every cell in my body screams for me to run, my mind knows that’s not a possibility. There’s nowhere to go.

When he’s feet away, I try to take him by surprise. I lunge, my fingernails poised at his eyes like I did Callum, praying this man—whoever he is—is slower than his leader.

Just as my fingers connect, he jerks back, and my nails scrape down his cheeks, leaving three red cat-like wounds.

“Shit!” He hisses, reaching up to assess the damage. When he realizes it won’t affect his already disgusting appearance, he sets his sights on me again. “You’re going to pay for that, cunt.”

He lunges. I try to scratch again, but he’s expecting me this time and pins me easily.

“So pretty,” he coos, sliding his slimy fingers up my inner thigh. A shudder runs through me, which the man mistakes for one of lust. “Mmm. That’s right. You’ll learn to enjoy this, slut.”