“I’m Alaric, head of security at the hotel,” the other male said.

The other male walked into the conference room and shut the door, his arms laden with food and drinks. “Are we introducing ourselves? I’m Slade.”

Ronan introduced his siblings and explained their situation and how he’d come to find Alanah.

“I recognized the forest from my dreams,” he said. “I didn’t know what I’d find, but I was sure my truemate was somewhere in there. We took out the guards and rescued her.”

“Did you say dreams?” Serena asked as she trickled some blue sports drink into Alanah’s mouth.

Her eyes flashed open and she coughed violently, rolling to her side with a groan.

“Hey, you’re okay now, you’re free,” Serena cooed.

She heaved in a harsh breath, gripping Ronan’s hand tightly. “Wh-where am I?”

“The supernatural hotel,” Serena said. “Your mate brought you here. You need food and liquids right away to get your natural healing abilities back on track.”

Alanah wiggled to a seated position and wiped her chin. She looked around the conference room, then her gaze landed on his and recognition sparked.

“I dreamed about you.”

“You did?” he asked.

“Or I guess,” she said with a raspy voice, “maybe I dreamed about you after you set me free. Thank you.”

“I’m glad I got to you in time.”

“It was close, I think,” she said. “I’d been locked up for four days.”

“Why?” Serena asked.

Before she could answer, Ronan took the sports drink from Serena’s hand and lifted it to Alanah’s lips. Her hands were trembling so badly she couldn’t hold the bottle. She drank slowly, her gaze on his. He moved the bottle away and Serena handed her a fresh strawberry.

“Wait, can we go back to the dream thing?” Alaric asked.

“Dream thing?” Alanah asked.

“I dreamed about you,” Ronan said. “I saw you and the forest. I didn’t start having dreams until we were a few hours from Belle Terra.”

“You have mating dreams?” Alaric asked.

“Yeah, we’re sabers,” he said.

The males inhaled sharply. “Saber-what?” Slade demanded.

Ronan frowned. Why were they suddenly wary?

“Sabertooth tigers. We’re the last of our kind.”

“Uh, no you’re not,” Serena said. “Because Alaric, Galen, Slade, and their sister, Lia, are also sabers.”

“That’s simply not possible,” Taryn said. She looked plaintively at Ronan. “We were told we were the last ones.”

“We were told the same thing,” Alaric said.

“What the hell is going on?” Sylas asked. “How is it possible that your mating dreams brought us not only to your truemate, but also to other sabers? How did we not know we weren’t the last ones?”

Chapter Five