Alanah took slow drinks of a very sugary, odd tasting liquid, which reminded her of blueberries but in a not-quite-ripe way. She alternated the drink that Ronan held for her, with the food Serena handed her. Fresh strawberries, raspberries, chunks of cheese, and thin crackers.
She could feel her body coming back, her natural healing ability working again, albeit slowly. And she could feel her fairy power returning.
That damn king leaving her there to die!
It just didn’t make sense, though.
He’d planned to bring her to trial for breaking her promise to marry Cenrik, so why would he put her in a cell and then not give her food or water? And what the hell happened to her parents? She’d definitely seen them put into cells, but she didn’t know when they were taken out. Or why.
She wanted answers, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever get them.
So she focused on her gorgeous mate. He was just as sexy as her fevered, nearly-dead brain had remembered, all massive with muscles and a mile-wide protective streak.
As she finally felt close to normal again, she caught up on the conversation her mate was having with her sister and a group of people who worked in the hotel. Apparently one of them was her sister’s mate, Galen.
“So you’re a sabertooth tiger shifter?” she asked, giving Ronan’s free hand a squeeze.
He nodded, his eyes flashing to amber. “Yes. Me and my siblings.”
“That’s really cool. I’m a fairy, which I think you figured out, and my power is over small animals. Oh, the bird! Did you get him? He was injured because Cenrik hit him.”
“He’s in the truck,” Sylas said.
“I need to heal him,” she said. She sighed and wiggled down into the couch, which felt like heaven after that thin mattress and wood cot.
“You need your strength back first, heal yourself woman,” Serena said. She blinked luminous eyes. “I missed you so much.”
Alanah teared up too. They embraced and both cried. “I missed you, too.”
She eased away from her sister and took the blue drink from Ronan. “So why did you think you were the only sabers?”
“Because our people never connected with others,” he said. “Or at least that would be my guess, that we always just stayed in family groups and never joined up with other families to have a larger clan.”
“That makes sense,” Alaric said. “I had no idea there were others. And I can’t believe that Jonathon brought you here. Did you tell him you were sabers?”
Ronan nodded.
“Did you sign anything? Because he’s kind of a dick,” Slade said, his upper lip curling.
“No. I told his assistant that we’d go there to talk after Alanah was better, and reminded him that we never signed a contract. They did bring us here with government approval since we’re from out of state, so I’m not sure what that means. We were planning to fight for him and go on tour, hoping that the tours would lead me near my truemate so I could have the mating dreams. In the interim, we were planning to stay at the stadium in the residences since our RV is pretty small.”
“No, you should stay here,” Serena said. “I just got my sister back. I don’t want her leaving or living with that guy and all those fighters. It’s no place for a female.”
Ronan looked at Alanah. “It’s up to you, sweetheart. We currently live in an RV, so it’s not like I can take you back to my house, since it’s on wheels and located at a campground not too far from here.”
“We traveled by RV too,” Alaric said. “And we came with the NWFA to Belle Terra, it’s how I met my mate, Aubrey. Speaking of, I need to get in touch with her. I’ll have her put together some rooms for you all.”
“Up on our floor please,” Serena said. “I don’t want to be too far from my sister.”
“Sure thing,” Alaric said.
“What floor is that?” Taryn asked.
“We all stay on fourteen, they’re suites and really spacious,” Galen said. “Staff stay on the eighth floor. Caleb, the master vampire of the city, is mated to our sister Lia, and they have the penthouse here and also have a place in the underground units at the club down the street.”
“We’re happy wherever,” Taryn said. “It’s really gracious of you to make room for us.”
“It’s what you do for family,” Serena said.