Page 10 of Distance Forever

By the time I hang up, I check the time, and Keller’s been gone nearly half an hour. Is it weird to miss your husband after a few minutes?

With a shake of my head, I head towards the door, the sound of my own footsteps echoing in my ears. As I reach the deck, I come to a sudden stop, sensing his presence approaching. The sight of him in his black tux brings back memories of the night we first met, a rush of emotions flooding back that causes tears to sting in my eyes as he closes the distance between us.

“I thought I said stay in the room, princess?” he almost growls.

“I got bored waiting. I missed you,” I whisper.

His suspicious gaze meets mine before he chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and drawing me close to him.

“You look good enough to eat, baby. Fucking stunning.”

“You don’t brush up too bad yourself. Do I recognize that suit?” I ask, running my finger down the lapel.

“I may have worn it before, when a certain woman jumped on my lap and grab my dick.”

“Hey! I didn’t mean to. That thing should come with a warning.” I tap at his chest with a giggle. The smile that lights up his face makes my stomach flutter.

“I don’t hear my wife complaining about my big dick, although it does make her moan pretty loud.”

As I nudge his side, he immediately reacts by grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers, and guiding us towards the back of the boat. With the sun just starting to set, the water is like a mirror, reflecting the colorful sky above. It takes my breath away.

As we turn the corner, I let out a gasp of surprise at the sight before me: a table draped in red rose petals and enough candles to engulf the entire boat in flames if we aren’t careful.

With his hand on my lower back, he guides me to the table and pulls out my chair for me.

Settling down, I feel his lips press against my temple, a tender gesture that makes my heart skip a beat.

"This is just perfect." I let out a sigh, feeling the warmth of his shoulder against mine, as we watch the sun slowly set.

He serves champagne for both of us and gives me a glass.

“To six years of being married to my soulmate,” he says, holding up his glass.

“And every day for the rest of our lives left,” I reply and clink my glass against his.

“Happy anniversary, princess.” I look up at him, emotions swirling in my chest.

Being married to the love of your life truly is a gift. I’m so lucky to have him.

“I love you, Keller. Even after all these years, I seem to fall more in love with you every day.”

“Me too, baby. Me too.”

The moment is interrupted by a man clearing his throat behind us, causing Keller to grunt and me to nudge him in the ribs.

“Are you prepared for your dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Russo?” the waiter, a young man with dark hair, asks in a French accent.

“That would be lovely, thank you,” I reply, smiling sweetly at him. He acknowledges with a nod and promptly exits.

“I have a present for you,” Keller whispers, stealing my attention back.

I refocus on Keller, who hands me a black bag wrapped with a red ribbon. With bated breath, I untie the bow.

“Shut up!” With a squeal of delight, I eagerly open the bag and admire the spine of my all-time favorite dark romance novel. I take it out and raise it up, tracing my fingers over the sleek cover. A special foiled edition, with sprayed metallic red edges.

As I open it, my jaw drops when I see the signature and my name on the title page.

“Keller, oh my god. She doesn’t even sell this cover anymore. The one I had was from years ago!”