Page 11 of Distance Forever

“Well, I have some pretty resourceful people around me. I felt bad for ruining the spine of the last one.”

“Oh, you are more than forgiven,” I giggle and then put on my best serious face. I was so mad when I found out he had ruined my book. But, he was reading what I had annotated so he could see if we could recreate anything, so I couldn’t be too angry about that. We had some serious fun with that.

“You dare even think about putting your hands on this book. I will have to take serious action.”

“Don’t tempt me, baby.”

I gently place the book back in the bag and lean in to give him a kiss.

“Thank you. It’s going to get pride of place in our library.”

“You need some more books; we need some more inspiration,” he whispers against my ear, and holy shit, I want to jump him.

“I’ll get back into it, although I do prefer it when you read to me.”

“You know I won’t say no to that. Luca’s going to be stepping in to help with running the End Zone. So, I’ll have a lot more time in the evening.”

“That sounds perfect,” I reply, stroking his stubble.

Our lives are so busy, it’s not until you take yourself away from the crazy do you realize how much you miss just doing nothing with your person.

Keller is, and always will be, my person.

As the waiter emerges, he leans in and presents me with a rectangular plate adorned with flowers, concealing a mix of seafood. While he gets up, I reach for my champagne and he accidentally hits my arm, causing a few drops of liquid to spill onto my hand.

“Oh, sorry, miss,” he says, placing his hand on my forearm. His tanned hand catches my attention, and my eyes widen as I shift my gaze back to Keller's, only to hear a growl escape his chest.

When our eyes meet, he appears filled with rage. The man quickly lets go when he feels Keller's displeasure, as if he's been burned.

As Keller cracks his knuckles, my cheeks burn, and I subtly shake my head.

“Get off the fucking boat before I throw you over myself,” Keller spits out.

The guy backs away, and I place my hand on Keller’s thigh.

“You worried about a French waiter?” I tease.

His eyes darken as he looks at me.

“No, baby. I know damn well you are all mine.” He leans in, his hot breath hitting against my ear.

“But you know what happens to men who touch what’s mine, don’t you?”

A shiver runs down my spine. I know exactly what that man is capable of and the lengths he would go to for me.

The man would burn down the world for me if he had to.

Suppressing a smile, I nod.

“Stop it, Keller. You know how hot it gets me when you get all growly and possessive.”

He nips at my neck, and I have to cross my legs to try to relieve some of the pressure building.

“I’ll never stop, baby.”

The rumbling of a boat catches my attention, and I look behind Keller to see it heading off and laugh to myself.

“Well, looks like you solved this one without killing anyone this time. See, you can be good.” I wink at him.