Marisol would offer up small tidbits, but other than the ‘oh Graham gave me this sweater for Christmas’ or ‘he is doing well,’ that was it. They never talked about him or their relationship or his connection to Oliver.
She hopes he is ok, and doing well. She is so happy that he was able to fulfill at least some parts of his dream, and she is happy for the part she played.
"Alright bitch, I'm out," Marisol says. "I mean, I'm out, beaaauuttifullll." She self-corrects, trying to make it more kid-friendly, but with Marisol, Oliver has heard all sorts of colorful phrases.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know how your appointment goes, yeah?" She walks out the door without waiting for a response.
"Alright, kiddo, let's get ready for the doctor."
She dresses in athletic shorts and a tank, knowing that they will probably be stretching her knee. Although she hasn't really been able to lose all the baby weight, it didn't look terrible on her frame. She embraced her new curves and didn't like any wasted effort on self-loathing.
The drive to the clinic was quick and uneventful. She takes Oliver out of the car seat and walks inside, making sure he had his little backpack handy and on his back, with a water bottle in hand.
The door tings, announcing her arrival, she walks over to the reception, giving the young girl a smile. "Hi there." She tells the receptionist, a perky brunette with a high ponytail and way too much makeup.
"Yes, ma'am, how can I help you?"She replies blandly.
"So, I have an appointment, but I dont have anyone to watch my little one, can he come in with me?"
"I’d have to check with your doctor.” She says, popping her gum. "Give me a minute."
“Yes, of course, take your time.” She goes out back for a few minutes. She can hear the low murmur of voices in the back. “You're his 3 o'clock?” She asks, eyeing her from top to bottom shrewdly.
"Yep, that’s me, Melody Grace."
"Yeah, he said it's fine to bring the kid." She goes back to her perch at the receptionist's desk, shoving a clipboard at Melody.
She makes her way back to the waiting room to fill out her forms while Ollie sits on the floor talking to his dinosaurs. She hadn't even gotten through the first page of questions before she was called back.
"Wow, that was fast. Okay, Ollie, let's go in." She waits patiently while he puts his backpack on, making sure his dinosaurs and notebook are packed. Then, they follow the nurse inside.
The initial room is empty, save for an older woman doing some squats with a physical therapist in the corner. The clinic looks new, it still smells new actually.
How long have they been open? She hopes she gets someone with at least some experience.
They are ushered into an exam room.
She sits Ollie down on the floor, crouching down to help him get his things together. There is a brief knock on the door and she attempts to straighten up, the movement hurts and she struggles to straighten her leg before the doctor makes his way into the room into the room.
"Melody Grace." A smooth voice calls from the open doorway. That same silky voice that has been haunting her for years.
She looks up at him. "It’s you." She says lamely.
A giant smile lights his face. He has aged a bit since she last saw him. And my God have those years been good to him.
He was no longer the fresh-faced boy she fell in love with, his face more angular, his beard shorter, and his jaw more stubbled. Her gaze travels down his throat, the very same throat she used to nip and suck on.
She feels a tug at her belly. Her uterus is probably going crazy. She stops herself at his chest, considerably thicker than he was at 20. Eyes back on his face, he gives her the same knowing grin and sexy smirk he gave her six years ago that has blushing like a schoolgirl.
His eyes leave her face and land on Ollie, sitting on the floor, looking up at him through gray-blue eyes.
"And who do we have here?"
When Marisol called Graham earlier to give him a heads-up that Melody was going to be coming in. He didn't really think it through.