Page 69 of Remember Me?

His first instinct was to bring her in and see her himself. He could have easily given her case to another PT. He was supposed to leave at two today, but he made sure to fit her into his schedule.

He really wasn't thinking. He honestly thought he was over it. Over her. But that clearly wasn't the case.

She was bent over when he walked into the room, catching him off guard. Her ass was to the door in tiny shorts, and just like that, his cock was at attention. That's all it took, apparently. He put his clipboard over his hips and called out to her.

She straightened up immediately, but not before he saw the grimace of pain on her face when she tried to extend her left knee.

Her face, however, morphs into shock, then appreciation, all in a span of ten seconds.

He takes her in. She looks exactly the same, just as gorgeous as he remembers. Her face flushed when she was caught staring just a little too long at his chest.

A rustling from behind her catches his attention.

Ah, yes. How could he forget?

"And who do we have here?" He addresses the small child. A mop of black curls grace the top of his head, framed by tan skin and a wide mouth. Melody’s eyes looking right back at him.

He smiles at Graham, a set of dimples peeking through.

Graham blinks slowly. Trying to make sense of the child in front of him.

The little one stands up abruptly, putting out his hand by way of greeting. A handshake is in order, it seems.

"Hi Doctor. My name is Oliver." He says with a smile. "Graham Oliver Grace, but my Mommy and Tia, call me Ollie."

"Graham, huh?" He asks, looking over the top of Ollie's head right at Melody. She looks pale, her hand coming up to rub her face. "Well, Oliver, or can I call you Ollie too?”

Oliver nods. “Yes, you can call me Ollie too.”

“Well, Ollie, believe it or not.” He kneels down so he is face-to face with this kid. “My name is actually Graham, too." He says in a mock whisper.

His little eyes go wide. "It is? You hear that, Momma? The doctor’s name is also Graham, like daddy's."

He heard those words like a punch in the chest. His heart clenched as he processed this new bit of information.

"Okay, that's enough of that, Ollie. Why don't you see what Dino Dave is doing over by Pterodactyl Tina." Melody says, clearly flustered. Her hands are shaking, and her body is tense.

His brain races. Could it be? That little face staring back at him looks a whole lot like him. Suddenly he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe.

"Hey, Ollie, how old are you?" He asks, and Melody groans.

"I’m five. My birthday was in April.” He announces, holding up his hand, fingers splayed to display his five fingers. “I’m going to kindergarten this year, but I'm already taller than almost everyone in my daycare class, except for Tommy, but he is seven..." He rambles on. Doing the math in his head, he stares at Melody, who can't seem to look him in the eye.

What is this?

Is Ollie his kid? Why the fuck would she keep this from him?

Moving closer to Melody. "So, I think we may need to have a conversation, huh." He whispers to her. Pulling her chin up with his finger to face him. “But for now, let's take a look at that knee.” Her shoulders drop, the tension having been released with his declaration. He pulls up the images of her latest MRI, flipping into professional mode. That doesn't stop him from sneaking in a few peeks at Ollie.

"Looks like we may need to strengthen the muscles around this area here in order to stabilize that knee." He looks over at her, she is worrying her bottom lip. "Don't worry, you’re in very capable hands. I know just the right movements to get you there.”

Her face flushes. Fuck, he just meant to ease her worry, not launch into a full-blown sexual innuendo. But having her near always did something weird to his voice and his body and his fucking brain.

"Listen, there is a fast food place down the street, it has a play place and everything. Can I buy y'all a late lunch or something? I think we may have a few things to talk about.”

She nods.

"I'll meet you there, okay? I just need to finish up these charts. I'm setting you up twice a week for some strength and conditioning, we can work on some stretching on those days too."