Page 84 of Remember Me?

"Do you have time to see the next one with me? After that debacle, I don't really want to go alone." She admits. He looks at his watch.

"Yes, ma'am, I have all the time in the world, at least until four. My last client of the day is at six. Hey, why don't you drop by at seven so we can get some of your exercises done."

"Ok, I can do that." He fiddles with his phone. "Mami said she can keep Ollie until after our session." She could totally get used to having Miss Rosa around. She hadn’t had this much time to herself since, well, ever.

The next complex was more promising. Walking distance from a park where Ollie could run around, it was clean, and the property manager was a kind, older gentleman who didn't say much. He just let them wander around the apartment on their own.

It looked great. Nice open concept, two bedrooms, two bathrooms. Perfect for her and Ollie. "Melody! Come see this." Graham calls to her from the master bathroom.

He is standing in the shower, it was pretty tiny, but with his big frame in there it was almost comical. "No way, Melly, this won’t work."

She leans against the sink. "And why doesn't it work exactly? Ollie and I don't take up nearly as much space as you do."

"Two people can’t fit in this thing!" He says in exasperation as if this explanation was perfectly clear. Finally, understanding clicked into her brain.

"Well, maybe you can just give me a solo show, like the good ‘ol days." She winks at him, her body responding to the images of beautifully tanned skin with soapy bubbles and eyes just for her. She shakes herself out of the memory before she accosts him.

He is right. They both won't fit in that shower. Heck, they barely fit in the bathroom at the same time.

His eyes darken. "I can’t even lift my arms in this thing. How am I going to give you my best angle if I can't move!" He whines. She eyes his hips, his erection growing under her gaze. She turns to lock the door. Then moves towards him.

“I have a few ideas. Let's try this. Hands on your dick Graham. I want to see if it's possible."

She kneels before him as his eyes shoot around the room. "We need to ensure it can work, don't we?" She says, looking up at him from the ground. "Take out your dick, I know you're already hard, I can see it."


He makes quick work of his pants, lowering them to his thighs and freeing himself from his boxers. "Mmm, let's see if it's still better than ice cream, shall we? It certainly looks better." She pumps his erection slowly, trying to get a feel for him as he thrusts himself into her hands.

Licking the tip, he hisses and shifts position suddenly as his elbow hits a wall.

He corrects his posture as he grunts his irritation. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She opens her mouth to take him in. His restless body does most of the work as he pumps himself into her mouth. He moves his hand to grip her head, and his shoulder bumps against the other wall.

Melody hums her amusement from around his dick as he lets out another frustrated growl.

Graham leans over, his head bumping the shower curtain rod, and that's what does it. His dick pops out of her mouth as she falls back in a fit of laughter. Graham tries to steady himself using the curtain rod at his head,yanking the suspension rod down until it's on the floor.

He is so irritated, his penis still hard and angry. But she can't stop laughing.

Soon, his deep baritone joins her as he zips up and sits in the tub. His giant body doesn’t fit. His knees scrunched up in a weird angle as his head leans back in defeat.

"Ok, ok, I see your point.” Meldy rubs the tears from her eyes, his eyes shining with amusement. "Let's go before they kick us out of here."

She stands and offers a hand to Graham, trying to help him out of the tub. However, rather than letting himself be pulled out, he hoists her over on top of him. He gives her the best kiss she has ever had. It's soft and gentle and full of love?

Could it be love?

Whatever it was, she wanted more of it. They walk out of the restroom. Hand in hand, both smiling as Graham hands the curtain rod to the property manager.

"So what did you guys think? It’s a big enough place for a growing family." He says to them. They both burst into another fit of laughter.

"This family might be a little too big for this place." Graham says to the man.

Chapter Twenty- Two


After a lingering kiss in the parking lot of the complex, they each go their separate ways. He already feels the weight of her absence, like a rock in the pit of his stomach growing heavier the farther from him she gets.