Page 85 of Remember Me?

His balls are still aching for release. God, the dominance in her eyes when she told him to take his dick out was pretty hot, until it wasn't.

Thank God he had the foresight to make a home with a giant shower.

He wonders if she would be willing to move in with him. He had the extra bedrooms and a backyard for Ollie to play in.

Maybe he could even get a swing set or jungle gym for Ollie to burn off any lingering energy he has after school.

Is it too soon to be asking them to move in? It didn't feel that way. It felt like they were picking up where they left off. Well, maybe not exactly where they left off. Now, there are three of them rather than just two.

His mind set off on its own journey, imagining a delectable combination of domestic bliss and dirty sex.

It was way too easy to fall right back into his old ways. He really needed to get himself under control. He fought hard to put that behind him, his obsessive thoughts and actions, but it seems that with her so close, he can’t help himself.

He wants to watch her again, to be in her presence always. Pulling into his parking spot, he takes a few minutes to meditate in his car. Getting himself in the right frame of mind to head back to work, fighting the urge to look for her.

He glanced at the clock on the dashboard of his truck. Just three more hours and he could see Melody again.

He can do this.



She had already swung by her parent's house to change into exercise clothes for her Physical Therapy session with Graham. She may have picked the most flattering shorts she owned, with a top that exposed her cleavage. Possibly the only good thing to come out of her weight gain, she may as well use it to her advantage.

Melody pulls up in front of Rosa's house, wanting to spend a few hours with Ollie before having to leave again.

She missed the little booger. They had really never spent any time apart in the last five years.

As she walks in, Rosa shushes her. Pointing to a knocked-out little boy lying on the living room floor. Quietly, she rustles Melody onto the back porch, trying not to wake him.

"How long has he been out?" She asks. Gazing fondly at him through the open patio doors.

"Not too long, maybe about 15 minutes," Rosa says, bringing out some water bottles from the outdoor fridge.

They both sit on the loveseat. These looked newer than the ones they had all those years ago. Maybe it was an upgrade that she knew nothing about in her absence.

"Thank you so much for watching Ollie. Graham wants me to get my workout in. Did he mention that to you already?" She asks, not wanting to take advantage of Rosa's hospitality.

"Oh yes, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon! He can stay as long as he wants." There was a pregnant pause, Rosa eyeing her slowly, obviously wanting to say something.

"Go ahead, Rosa, say what you need to say." It wasn’t like Rosa to hold her tongue. Whatever she wanted to say, she was worried about how Melody would receive it.

"Mija. Can we stop pretending?" That caught her off guard.

"I wasn't aware that I was pretending?" Melody asks, now guarded, walls coming up in defense. Rosa points to Oliver.

"Can we stop pretending that little boy, right there, is not my grandson?" She looks pointedly at her.

Melody lets out a breath. She wasn't sure what Rosa was going to say. But this, she can handle. This conversation has to be had.

"Of course we can. I wasn't sure how to bring it up, and honestly, I wasn't sure how the news would be received." She spits out quickly. "Rosa, I’m just going to come right out and say it. Graham is your baby. He is much younger than I am. I didn't want you to think that I somehow took advantage of him or coerced him into a relationship in any way."

Rosa looks taken aback by Melody’s words. She recovers quickly, though, sitting up and laughing.

"Oh Melody, if anything, we were worried that Graham was coming on way too strong and may have coerced you into something you were not ready for. He was a very determined child, and that ultimately turned him into a very determined young man. Not that that is a bad thing. But you see, we were worried."

She clasps her hands together.