Page 7 of Remember Me?

Well, that was quite the assist. She could still feel his touch lingering on her skin making her body flush and warm to the touch. The phone in her hand buzzes with a notification. Oh shoot, she hadn’t turned it on to airplane mode.

Unknown number: You smell nice. -Nash

Melody looks around, trying to find him. She can just make out his arms reaching over his headrest a few rows in front of her, strong forearms visible over the seats. She gives a small smile to her phone, picturing his strong body unfolding over the seat, taking up way too much space, one leg stretched out into the aisle.

She shuts off her phone to conserve battery life and settles into her seat for the rest of the flight. Feeling surprisingly optimistic for someone who just broke up with their cheating boyfriend.

It was late when her plane touched down after a blessedly uneventful flight. It’s after 10:00 p.m., and the multiple calls to her parents remain unanswered.

“Are you serious right now, mom?” She mutters in frustration.

Although, she really shouldn't be surprised. This had happened her entire life. Mom and Dad like to work late into the night if they have a big case to present, forgetting about everything else, their daughter included. This had been her entire life until she was old enough to drive herself to and from places.

Obviously, she is still a little resentful.

Setting up a rideshare on her phone, she scans the crowd for Nash. She didn't even see him get off the plane. The last thing she remembers is seeing him sitting a few rows ahead of her. Yet, somehow her bag magically appeared by her seat while she was making small talk with her seatmate. All she caught was his scent lingering well after he was gone.

How did he manage to stealthily retrieve her bag and deplane so fast? It must have been those long ass legs. Her phone lights up just as her rideshare approaches.

Nash: Did you get your luggage?

Melody smiles, typing up a response before getting in and loading her bags into the trunk of the ride-share.

Melody: Yes, I could have gotten them myself, you know.

Melody: In fact, I just put said bags into the car all by myself.

Nash: True, but then I wouldn't have been able to see you in person one last time.

Nash: Sad face.

That's a good line. Let's give him credit where credit is due. Struggling to come up with something to follow that, she chose to just go with it.

Melody: But I didn't get to see you.

Melody: Sadder face.

Settling into the backseat, she relaxes. Slowly releasing the tension in her shoulders. Her stomach grumbles, realizing, just now, that the last thing she ate were peanuts from the bar at the airport and a bag of Smart Pop. She was a growing girl, one that needed nourishment. She closes her eyes, just a quick rest to ease away the day.

Nash: Well, we can't have that now, can we?

He follows it up with a close-up shot of his sleepy face. It is very clear he is laying in bed. Dark sheets and a white pillow behind him. One arm bent above his head, displaying his muscular tricep wrapped in ink. Tousled hair and a bare chest, which, sadly, is not visible, but definitely implied.

Nash: Sleep well.

Melody: Okay.

What the hell do you say to that? Okay, that was the best she could come up with, and that will just have to be enough.

Melody: You too.

There, that's better. Right? Why is flirty banter so hard?

She knows how to flirt. She couldn't exactly get to twenty-six without learning how to bat her eyelashes. But, let's be real here, this was different. Nash, was a whole new level of hot. A level she never truly had the pleasure of navigating.

Truthfully, it had been a while since someone other than Duke had paid her any attention or caught her eye in return. Maybe it was because she had already put herself in the ‘bought' category when really, she should have been ‘browsing.' Particularly with Duke's penchant for putting his dick into places it didn't belong.

Her phone rings robotically, Marisol's face flashing on the screen, tongue sticking out, middle finger in the air. Melody can't help the smile that lights her face. She puts the phone to her ear after answering. Marisol is one of those people you shouldn't ever put on speaker, especially not in public. You never know what's going to come out of her mouth.