Page 8 of Remember Me?

"BIIIITTTCHHHH where are youuuu?" The screaming starts as soon as Melody’s finger hits that little green answer button.

"I'm in a rideshare, Marisol." She says with a smile in her voice. She always has to start the conversation with her location, hoping Marisol will watch what she says, but secretly loving it when she blurts out whatever comes to mind.

"Alright I get it, I'll behave. You wanna grab a bite?" She asks distractedly. "I just dropped off my dumbass brother, he is sleepy. Little pussy." She scoffs. "Wait! A rideshare? Did your parents seriously forget to pick you up? You should have said something! I was picking Graham up from the airport!"

"Yes please! I'm starved! I should be getting home in like two minutes. Can you meet me there?" Melody says quickly, not really wanting to go down the ‘woe is me’ right now.

Her parents’ absence has always been a sore spot for Melody. She is still resentful well into adulthood. It was a sore spot for Marisol's family, too. Melody is pretty sure that was why Marisol's mom, Rosa, always had an empty seat for her at dinnertime and holidays. They pitied her, but she didn't mind. Their holidays were incredible, with homemade turkeys and cookies and pies. She truly felt like one of the family.

Pulling up to the curb next to her house, she finds Marisol waiting for her. She was truly a gorgeous girl, petite with long, dark brown hair, usually a curly mess framing her round face. Eyes set wide, long lashes and full lips, Marisol was easily the most stunning girl she had ever laid eyes on. Pair that with her tiny waist and big hips. She was definitely a looker. However, it was her confidence that made her stand out and we can't forget that megawatt smile that is now taking up almost half her face. It was by far her best feature.

Melody practically jumped out of the car and into Marisol's awaiting embrace. Although they were roughly the same height, that was where their similarities ended. Melody's fair skin to Marisol's tan and, of course, those pesky 30 pounds and eightish years Melody had on Marisol.

“Let's go eat, girl!" Marisol exclaims. "You're buying." She laughs, confident and throaty, as she races to her car.

"Well, I suppose as the only one around here with a real job, yeah, I'll pay." Melody answers, sliding into the passenger’s side and throwing her stuff in the backseat.

Marisol drives just as you would suspect she would, wild and free. There are no speed limits or traffic laws to abide by in her world.

After a quick stop at a drive-through burger joint, they set off for the local municipal park. This used to be their weekly ritual when she babysat Marisol in her formative years, it then bled through during Melody’s college breaks.

"Sooo, tell me about your stranger." Marisol waggled her eyebrows while unwrapping her burger, plopping herself right on top of the picnic table overlooking a lake. Her bare feet rested on the seat, having kicked off her heels the second they got there. Even through the darkness, Melody could feel her smirk.

"Quite possibly the most beautiful man I have ever seen." She states matter of factly, choosing to keep things honest. "But, in other news, I finally broke it off with Duke." Melody declares.

Coughing over her food, Marisol takes a sip of her drink.

"Well, thank you, sweet baby Jesus." She sing-songs. "It was about time, he is a total douche canoe." She pauses to take another bite of her burger. "Who really likes to stick his dick in everyone's canoe." She mumbles through a mouth full of food, clearly pleased with her little play on words.

"I don't even know what to say to that." Melody responds, unable to wrap her head around that ridiculous reference, yet strangely, it did make sense.

Marisol flashes her a smile, mouth parted around her straw as she sips her soda. "What did he do this time?"

Melody sighs, proceeding to explain the deleted eggplant message and how he rationalized his behavior. After a moment, Marisol nods in feigned understanding.

"Okay, so Rose needed help with her box, and in this case, her box is her vagina. Alright, well, in that case, it makes perfect sense." She deadpans.

Melody groans, "I know, I know, why do I do this to myself?"

"Well,” Marisol begins. “I have some homework for you, Miss Grace.” She turns to face Melody, the park lights outlining her face, making her eyes sparkle with excitement. “You need to get over Duke, by getting under someone new, maybe a certain beautiful stranger?" Marisol declares, punctuating each word with dramatics only she could pull off.

"God, if only it were that easy. I’m a lost cause Marisol! I don't even know how to flirt anymore. He sent me a sexy bedtime pic and I just responded with ‘okay.’ I'm hopeless." Melody lays her forehead on her arm as her deep sigh turns into a yawn.

"Let me see!" Marisol insists. " Maybe I can help. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m kind of an expert at the foreplay message."

"I will not show you his pic, that's for my eyes only."

"You are so lame. Fine." Marisol says. " Let's go get you to bed. Don't think I don't see you yawning over there."

“Wait! Not yet, tell me about your life Marisol, how’s Theo! You haven't really talked about him lately.” Melody pulls her arms up over the table, unfolding her burger from the parchment paper, smoothing it out to put her burger on one side and her fries on the other. Marisol and Theo had been glued to the hip since the third grade, absolute best friends. He would follow her around everywhere, her little silent sidekick. He was a quiet kid, deferring to Marisol in just about every situation.

Marisol shrugs, clearly uncomfortable. “It's been weird with him.” She shifts her body so she isn't looking at Melody anymore, busying herself with her crumpled burger bag. “He asked me to pop his cherry.”

Now, it was Melody’s turn to choke on her food. She took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Okay, and how do you feel about that?”

“No, you don't understand, it’s not weird that he asked me, he and I have a very open relationship, I would totally pop his cherry. But...” She pauses as if she is trying to decide if she should tell me. What could be worse than hearing that a young man basically propositioned my Marisol for sex, she didn't know, but Melody was dying to find out.

“But?” She pries.