My cheeks flamed, and with my deathly pale skin, Iglowed. There was no hiding it.

“Actually, I’d been hoping this was all a bad dream. No such luck, but it was worth a try.” I sucked in a breath. “I apologize for running into you. I’d offer to replace your shoes, but I have the distinct impression I wouldn’t be able to afford them.”

“No. I don’t think you would.”

He could have hesitated even the slightest amount, but he hadn’t. I guessed the origin of my discount-rack blouse was obvious. We did not exist in the same socio-economic strata.

“I can grab some towels from the restroom for you,” I offered.

“No.” He raised a hand, waving at someone behind him, though it was impossible to tell who since his eyes were on me. “I have a change of shoes in my office.”

“Of course. You’re probably prepared for every contingency. That’s really admirable.” I tugged on the wet fabric clinging to my chest, suddenly remembering with abject horror I was wearing a very red, very lacy bra. It hadn’t been visible when I’d checked earlier, even in direct sunlight. Now, I was afraid to look down. “I should duck into the restroom to clean up. No one deserves to have to look at me like this.”

His dark brow dropped over his narrowed hazel eyes. “You don’t work in this building.”

My head jerked, startled at his low utterance. “No, I don’t. I’m here to interview for an assistant position, but it’s not looking like that will be happening.”

“You’re going to let a spill stop you from interviewing?”

“I’m not exactly presenting my best foot.” I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping to hide my bra. “I don’t think anyone would give me a job looking like I had a battle with a coffee monster and lost.”

His mouth, inordinately plush for a man with such razor-sharp features, silently formed the words, “Coffee monster.”

“What’s your name?”

I almost said Kit, but my nickname wasn’t very professional. “Catherine Warner.”

“Don’t you want the job, Catherine?” My name rolled off his tongue like honey. It had been so long since anyone had called me anything other than Kit. It was strange hearing my given name from this man.

“Of course. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

He nodded precisely. “Then you should find a way to make it happen. If you give up this easily, you wouldn’t be a good fit for this company.” He gave me a long look as if assessing me. I couldn’t tell if he found me wanting or not. Maybe he hadn’t decided. “If you find a way to make yourself presentable in the next ten minutes, you’ll still have the interview. I’ll let security know to allow you up to the executive floor.”

With Army-like precision, he turned with a click of his heels and strode off.

It took until he disappeared around the corner for me to really wrap my head around what had just happened.

I hadn’t known who I’d be interviewing to work for. Since there was no way I would have convinced myself to come here if I had, that was a good thing. Working directly for the CEO of Levy Development was so far above my paygrade.

But Elliot Levy was personally giving me a chance. The head of this company had challenged me to problem solve. I was here now. How could I not at least try?

I stood there for a solid minute, too stunned to take action.

Then I had nine minutes. Just nine minutes to possibly change the course of my life.

I walked into my house and slammed the door shut behind me hard enough for the bare walls to rattle and the fine layer of dust coating just about everything to take flight. My hand pressed against my racing heart, and I took a deep breath.

It was over. I’d survived.

Liam sauntered out of what was supposed to be a kitchen but was more of a storage room slash disaster zone. His grin faltered at the sight of me sliding down the door, and he hurried over, catching me before I could fall on my butt.

“Come here, Kit. You look all tuckered out.”

I let him lead me to the most uncomfortable couch known to man and gingerly lowered myself onto it. I’d been poked by a spring one too many times to be anything but careful when sitting on the death trap.

It was temporary.

All of this was.