I kept reminding myself that.

Liam took my hands, rubbing them between his. “How did it go?”

“Like cherry bombs in a middle school toilet. Sounds fun until someone loses an eye.” Liam gave me a look that said he didn’t get it, so I gave him more details. “It began with me spilling coffee all over the CEO’s shoes.”

He winced, hissing air between his clenched teeth. “Babe, we talked about coffee. You said you were going to cut it out.”

Liam’s Australian accent normally amused me, but his admonishment was grating.He’dwanted me to cut out coffee. My doctor had assured me a cup a day was safe and Google had confirmed it.

“I know, and believe me, I will now. I just needed—” I shook my head. There was no need to justify myself. I hadn’t done anything wrong, and the coffee was beside the point. “Well, he gave me ten minutes to get it together and make myself presentable. I made it to his office in nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds.”

“Hisoffice?” Liam’s blond brows popped.

“Yes. The position is Elliot Levy’s executive assistant.”

His mouth stretched into a wide grin. “Shit, babe. That’s golden. How did the interview go?”

I swallowed hard. “After the scene in the lobby, it went shockingly well.”

Elliot Levy had been nearly impossible to read. Only the slight raise of his brow and a barely perceptible twitch of his mouth had told me he’d been at least a little impressed by the outfit I’d put together with the help of the security guards and the lost and found box.

Liam clapped his hands together. “All right. The compensation package has to be huge for that position.”

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Of course that was his first thought. Money was all Liam talked about these days. He had valid reasons for being distracted by it, sure—the house renovations being the biggest drain at the moment—but I was tired of the topic.

I was just plain tired.

At nine weeks pregnant, it was to be expected, but sometimes, exhaustion hit me like a sledgehammer out of the blue, and with it came extreme grumpiness.

I had to be careful not to take it out on Liam. It wasn’t his fault the one time we slept together resulted in the little life growing inside me.

Okay, it was half his fault.

To say this baby had been unexpected would have been the understatement of the century. I was only twenty-five, far from settled, and Liam and I were friends and travel buddies—nothing more. Not exactly the stable environment a child deserved.

But he was all in on the co-parenting thing. And his excitement to be a dad had convinced me I wanted this baby too.

“I don’t know about the salary. First, they have to want to hire me.” I scrunched my nose as Liam pulled my feet into his lap. He was under the impression foot massages solved everything for pregnant ladies, and I didn’t quite have the heart to tell him I wasn’tthattype of pregnant lady yet.

“How did he end the interview?” Liam asked as he dug his dagger-like thumbs into the arch of my foot.

“He said HR will check my references, and of course—”

Liam chuckled. “Oh, Christ. Well, good luck getting someone to answer.”

I went still, an uneasy prickle crawling up my spine. “What did you do?”

He shrugged. “Just spruced up your CV a little. Gave you more experience with an Australian firm that doesn’t quite exist.”

I stared at him, fire rising from my chest to the top of my head. Oblivious, he laughed to himself and continued with his terrible foot massage.

He’d messed with my résumé? This was beyond the pale. There was not an iota of a chance Elliot Levy would look twice at me once he found out I’dliedabout my past job experience—my fault or not. “Liam, are you kidding—?”

“Calm down, babe. They’re not going to call Australia. Plus, the email address I gave is registered to me. I’ll tell them what a stellar employee you were. Don’t get worked up about it.”

I tossed the nearest object at his head. Lucky for him, it was a pillow. “I should bludgeon you to death for this.”

“No, you should thank me. Soon, you’re going to be bringing home the big bucks. We’ll flip this house and find a cute little place to raise the kid. You’ll see, babe. Six months from now, we’ll be fat and happy. No need to worry.”