Page 65 of Going All In

Tears prick at my eyes. “Judy, that’s so kind of you. Thank you for thinking of me.” I smile as one tear escapes and makes its way down my cheek. “But I think I’m okay now, or getting there. I’m ready to celebrate Christmas again. To make new memories.”

Maybe that’s what the tears are. All the feelings and memories I’ve shoved so far down inside me are making their way to the surface and spilling out.

Judy holds her arms out. “Oh, Holly. I love you already, sweetheart. I can’t wait to make memories with you.”



Idrum my fingers on the counter, waiting. I was supposed to pick up my tux for this wedding a few days ago. The supposedlysmallwedding.

I should have known better. Mom loves to plan events. Somehow, she’s managed to turn this from friends-and-family-only to a massive, invite-everyone-we-know affair. And despite the fact that the wedding is happening on Christmas Eve, and that she organized and planned the whole thing in a month’s time, about a zillion people have said yes.

Well, sixty. But that’s a lot when you consider that they originally said this was going to be less than fifteen people.

And now there are matching dresses for my sisters and Holly, and I’m renting a tux.

“Ah! Here we are.” Mario appears from the back of the store. His wiry grey hair and glasses perched at the end of his nose make him look like a little old man who was born and raised in Italy, and he was, with the hand gestures and the accent to prove it.

I slide my credit card across the counter as Mario hands me the tux. “Thanks, Mario. Appreciate it.”

He runs my card and hands it back. “Anytime, son. You have friends who need a suit, you tell them to come see Mario, eh?”

* * *

She looks stunning.

For the rehearsal dinner, Holly is wearing a dark blue dress that just skims her knees. Her arms are bare, and the front of the dress dips down just a little in the front between her tits, giving her the classiest and hottest hint of cleavage ever. The outline of the dress dips in at her waist and flares out at the skirt, making her curves look even more lush.

I’m sure there’s a name for the style, but who the fuck cares? I just hope the dress she’s wearing tomorrow is similar.

Unlike the wedding, which has grown in scope considerably, the rehearsal dinner really is just friends and family, and no dates are necessary. The decorations lean into the Christmas theme, including a pine tree strung with lights and laden with ornaments, wreaths, and mistletoe strategically hung. There are only four small tables, each seating four people.

Thisis my kind of party.

I make my way to the bar and order a lager. The bartender uncaps the bottle and slides it toward me. As I take a long sip, I look for Holly.

She’s engaged in a conversation with Addie, but her gaze locks on mine. She smiles shyly.

I smile back and crook a finger, then order her a vodka cranberry while she walks toward me.

“You look amazing,” I greet her, handing her the drink.

She takes the glass from me, blushing slightly. “Thanks. This is JJ’s dress. As usual.”

“Well, you should steal it from her. That was made for you.” I hold my bottle out. “Cheers. It’s good to see you, Holly.”

She clinks her glass against my bottle, and we each bring our drink to our mouths.

Holly fiddles with her glass silently.

I bump her playfully with my hip. “Really, it’s good to see you. I know it’s been a couple weeks since I saw you last. I’m hoping the magic of Christmas hasn’t worn off just yet.”

Her cheeks color slightly, but she’s smiling. “No. Not yet. Thank you for the text messages each day.” She hesitates.

I fill the silence. “You’re welcome.” I wink. “Plus, I wanted to give you time to miss me.”

She smiles and lifts her glass to her lips. “Maybe I did.”