She’s right. I sigh. “He sent me a text yesterday. He wants to meet to talk.”
JJ puts more chocolate in her mouth and chews it slowly. “I think that’s a good idea.”
I dig through my purse to find my phone and send Justin a text, hoping I don’t regret this. He was the closest to an acceptable prospect for a wedding date.
At this point, the bet is weighing on my mind, but it’s not the reason I need a date. I’m willing to forgo the money if I have to. I just need to save face in front of my family.
Hey, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Did you still want to meet to talk? I’m free later today or tomorrow.
His reply comes back a few minutes later.
Hey. Yeah, let’s meet this afternoon. How about the coffee shop on Twelfth and Market? Right by Reading Terminal?
Sure, that works. See you then.
* * *
The Cheshire Cat is a popular hangout, with squishy couches and funky decorations. It’s nearly empty today, and I’m confused until I remember that colleges are on break right now.
I spot Justin at a table by a window. He waves to me, standing up as I walk over.
You can do this, Holly. Just tell him you have feelings for someone else. He’s a nice guy. It’ll be okay. You’re doing the right thing.
“Hi, Justin,” I say.
He opens his arms, gathering me in a hug. “Hi, Holly. Good to see you.” He releases me. “Do you want a drink? It’s on me.”
He’s such a gentleman. It makes me feel worse for what I’m about to do.
“Sure. I’ll take a hot chocolate, please. Thanks.” I slide into the empty seat while Justin heads to the counter to place my order.
Once he settles back across from me, both of us with steaming mugs in front of us, he looks at me with a serious expression. “So, um, it’s been really fun getting to know you. And I want to be upfront with you.”
Huh. This is not going the way I imagined.
Justin keeps going, his face earnest, “I met someone recently, and I’m interested in pursuing a relationship with her. I like you a lot, but I see a future with her. I don’t want to be a dick, and I’m so sorry. I don’t date multiple people at the same time, though, and I just don’t want to lead you on.”
I guess I’m supposed to feel disappointed, or rejected, or something, but I came here to tell him the same thing. “I appreciate your honesty, Justin. Thank you.”
“Well, maybe don’t thank me just yet.” He winces slightly. “It’s your roommate.”
Well, then. I consider this for a minute. They actually seem like a great match, now that I think about it, much more than Justin and me. We have a lot in common, but JJ and Justin seem to share this need for upfront, honest communication and this same strong moral code.
And maybe there’s a spark between them, the one that was missing between Justin and me.
I smile at him. “I’m not mad. I actually think you two make a cute couple. I think you and I are really similar, so it makes sense that my best friend likes you and me both. And to be upfront with you, I have feelings for someone, too.”
Justin smiles. “Friends?” He reaches his hand across the table. “And I promise you, nothing has happened between me and JJ. Neither of us would do something like that to you.”
I know JJ wouldn’t go behind my back like that, but I appreciate his reassurance anyway.
I take his hand and shake it. “Friends.”