Um, can you feel the awkwardness right now?
I make what I hope is a nonchalant gesture with my hand. “No, um, he’s mine. My date, I mean. That’s all. Do you, uh, want to meet him?”
Maddox shakes his head slowly, his gaze never leaving my face. He places a hand on my upper arm and pivots us, then takes a step toward me.
I take a step back, then another until my back is against the wall. Maddox is just a little too close, his gaze a little too hungry. My breath quickens.
“You shouldn’t be with him,” he says, before he dips his head and captures my lips.
His kiss is nothing like Justin’s. It’s not sweet or respectful.
It’s harsh, dominant, like he’s staking a claim. His lips press hard against mine, demanding entry. When I part my lips, he slips his tongue inside.
I moan into his mouth. His fingers grip my chin as he assaults my lips, and every other thought disappears except one.
I want him.
Then he steps back. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, like he didn’t just turn me to a pile of mush. He plants a kiss on my forehead, turns, and walks into the crowd.
I slump against the wall, my knees too weak to hold me upright. I stay like that for a minute, then go back to the bathroom to hide the lipstick evidence of our kiss that’s smeared all over my face.
Holly’s kiss lingers on my lips with the sweet taste of her favorite cranberry drink. Maybe it wasn’t fair of me to interrupt her date, but then again, it’s not fair of her to be looking for her soulmate when I already know where he is.
I’m right here.
I waited for her text, her phone call, some communication to express her anger after I pushed her up against the wall in the back of the bar and kissed her. My phone’s been silent all evening, though. I don’t mind if she’s confused about her emotions. In fact, I’d kind of like her to be. That’s the perfect situation—we head to Thanksgiving dinner with her uncertain of her feelings for me versus her date. Because he won’t be there, and I will, ready to be sweet and attentive and everything she deserves.
It’s too late to text anyone now and expect a reply, but I type out a message to Cam, who’s a night owl and probably still up.
You taking the train out to Ardmore with us tomorrow?
Three little dots appear right away, confirming my theory. Cam is nothing if not predictable.
Sure. What time?
We’re taking the 10:45 from 30th street.
Ok, see you there.
I stare at my phone for a few more minutes before I accept that I’m not going to hear from Holly tonight. I plug it in and set it on the bedside table after setting an alarm for eight in the morning.
My eyes have barely been closed for a few seconds when I jolt awake at the sound of an alarm. Is there a fire? I look around, frantic, before I realize the shrill banshee-like noise is emanating from my phone.
It’s my alarm. Like, to wake up.
My heart races in my chest. Jesus, do people do this every day? It almost gave me a heart attack. This can’t be a healthy way to wake up.
I slide out of bed and run a hand over my face. I turn off the awful buzzing sound and check my text messages. Nothing from Holly about last night. Fuck. I’m going in blind today. I have no idea what’s going through her head.