When he speaks, I swear his voice is lower. “You’re an amazing date, Holly.”
I push away the butterflies that swarm in my stomach when he drops his voice to that octave. “Anyway. My dad told me to ask your mother for your phone number so we can coordinate our arrival times on Thursday. So I, uh, texted her to ask for your number.”
His chuckle vibrates through the phone. “I knew you’d want my number eventually. So you didn’t tell them you already had it? And exactly why you had that number?”
“No! And before you ask, I already feel like shit for lying to my dad. And to your mom. But they don’t need to know about anything that happened between us. It’s in the past.” I chew on my thumbnail.
“I won’t spill, Holly. But between you and me?” He pauses, and my stomach flips again when his deep voice comes through the speaker. “It’s not in the past.”
* * *
Heading to a bar on Thanksgiving eve might have been a mistake. No, it was definitely a mistake.
This place is crawling with college students home for the holiday. We can barely make it to the bar. I’m tempted to call it a night and head home, but Justin texted me earlier today.
I had a great time last night. If it’s still cool, I’d love to see you tonight.
I sent him the name of the bar again and the time we’ll be there. So now we wait to see if he follows through, although it might not be fair to expect him to find me in this sea of people.
I look around for any spot to sit, or even lean against the bar. Most of the seating is taken, but then I see Justin. Amazingly enough, he’s managed to snag a booth toward the back with enough empty seating for all three of us. He waves when I catch his eye.
I drag JJ over to the booth and we slide in, balling up our jackets in the one empty spot.
“Justin, this is my friend JJ.” I motion to my best friend. She shakes his hand as she silently judges him.
Justin ignores her critical gaze and smiles. “Nice to meet you, JJ. And it’s good to see you again, Holly. Can I grab you guys some drinks? Holly, do you want a vodka cranberry?”
Um, swoon. He remembers my drink order.
“That would be great, thank you.” I smile in what I hope is a flirty way.
“Dirty martini, but I’ll come with. That’s a lot to carry,” JJ says.
The two of them slide out of the booth, leaving me to guard our real estate. I hope they like each other, because I’m hoping this thing with Justin goes further. A, because he seems like a genuinely good catch, and B, I have fifty grand riding on this.
Over our second round of drinks, it’s more and more obvious that Justin and JJ are getting along. He’s laughing at her jokes, listening attentively to her stories.
I cross my fingers. I can’t date someone that JJ doesn’t approve of, so this night is key.
The vodka makes its way through me quickly. I excuse myself and slide over JJ to slip out of the booth. The restrooms are in a hallway toward the back of the bar, and I pick my way through the crowd. I need to make this speedy before JJ tells Justin any embarrassing stories.
The line for the bathroom isn’t exactly short, but it takes only about ten minutes for me to do my business and check my makeup in the smudged mirror. In the dim light, my lipstick seems faded, so I add another coat of the deep berry color and check my reflection again. There. I look like a girl who wants to be kissed.
I slip the tube back into my purse and wash my hands again before I pull open the door with a paper towel and exit, tossing it in the trash before the door closes. There are a million germs on public bathroom door handles.
I bump into someone as I round the corner. “Sorry,” I mutter, before I look up.
“Hi.” Maddox looks down at me. Are his eyes darker than normal?
Butterflies flurry in my stomach, and I tamp them down. There will be no butterflies where Maddox is concerned. Plus, I’m here with another guy.Pull it together, Holly.
“Oh. Hi. I didn’t expect you to be here tonight. JJ and I are at a table over there.” I gesture vaguely with my hand. Why am I so flustered? This doesn’t bode well for having to spend the day with this man tomorrow.
“I see you brought your date. Or is he JJ’s date?” Maddox’s eyebrows lift.