“You do?” Her cheeks pinken attractively and her gaze drops down to my crotch. My shaft twitches in response. She coughs and looks back up at my face and I can scent her arousal again in the space between us. She has felt this way about me since the moment we met. I could literally scent her arousal for me when we first stood together next to the vehicles. And I feel the same.

This is not helping matters.

“A human can mate with your species?” she questions.

“Apparently so.” I repeat what I said earlier. “When I was originally sent to Earth to initiate trading relations, I was assured that humans and Korn were mating incompatible. This has proven false. Why else would I be in a blood frenzy now unless humans are compatible with Korn?”

“You’ve been attracted to many different women since you’ve arrived?”

“No. Only you,” I admit.

“Oh…” She reaches up and twirls a strand of hair between her fingers. “Just me? You mean…”

“My pheromones want only you. This is why I’m concerned about your safety.”

“Your feelings of attraction toward me are just a biological reaction? It’s something you’re fighting against and wish wasn’t happening?”

My brow furrows because I hate how she referred to my reaction towards her as simply biological, even if it’s true. “Yes.”

“Oh,” she says with a hint of disappointment in her tone. “Are you married? You don't have a girlfriend or wife or kids back on your home planet?”

“No, I have none of those. Which is why I was sent here as the Korn representative. The trip from our planet to yours takes a full moon cycle and then I am going to be here for another human year. Only someone like me, without a mate or offspring yet, would agree to this mission. I am after all the first of my kind to come here, so it was not considered smart to bring more of us yet until it was understood that this planet was welcoming for our species. I was to stay with the Voltare delegation and get settled.”

“This is good for me to know—that you’re single.”

This is odd. Why would she care about my availability as a mating partner unless she was considering going through the blood frenzy with me? Does Sabine understand that she’s admitting she’s contemplating the idea of being my mate? “Doyouhave a mate or offspring?” I question.

“No, no I have none of those either.”

I groan because everything she says makes it easier to give in to the frenzy with this female, but I can't. “You need to keep me at a distance,” I warn.

She lifts a bag from the table and places it on the small countertop. “Why would it be so terrible if we…” She turns toward me and leans against the counter. “Um…does the blood frenzy mean that you're going to start drinking from me, and you’ll get so focused you might accidentally drain me and I'll die? Is that the real reason you want me to stay away?”

I take a step closer and gentle my voice. “No, Sabine, of course not. I would never harm you. Blood frenzy is simply our ancient way of sharing our bodily fluids with each other to solidify mating. Small amounts of blood are also exchanged amongst the Korn to ratify contracts or for cultural moments of significance. Normally we like to share the taste of each other's blood occasionally during pleasure mating.”

She tilts her head. “Is that something you usually do? Have you shared blood with a pleasure mate?”

“No. I have never placed my fangs in another's neck. I'm considered a blood virgin.”

“That sounds interesting.”

I roll my eyes because again, she is not understanding the danger.

Sabine steps past me, opens the cooling unit and nonchalantly places a container of white liquid inside, one shelf below the blood. “So tell me what happens between your species when they put their fangs in someone else's neck,” she questions. “Doesn't that hurt?”

“No, it doesn't. We have a substance in our saliva that we can deploy that acts as a painkiller.”

“Painkiller? That’s good. So just hypothetically speaking if you were to do that to me—putting your fangs in my neck and drinking some of my blood, then it wouldn't even hurt?”

My jaw drops open and I shake my head. “No, it would not hurt but I am not doing that to you tonight.”

“Hypothetically speaking… Why? What would stop you from sinking your fangs in my neck?”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm this incessant need to touch her face and body. I want her in my arms and in that king-sized bed in the bedroom I saw earlier. The gorgeous map of her veins under the curve of her neck is enchanting. “I can’t do that to you because I would be locking you to me for life without your consent. You're a human and you don't understand what you're getting yourself into by accepting a blood frenzy with a Korn.”

“Oh.” She innocently blinks. “What do you mean ‘for life’?”

“Right now, you and I are calmly standing here talking. I have scented you. I'm being honest with you that my body finds you compatible and therefore irresistible.”