A smile perks on either side of her full lips.

“And I can scent your arousal for me, so I know you also find me compatible.”

“Oh, you can? That's embarrassing. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push myself on you like that. You're just handsome. I can't help it. But I wasn't going to do anything about it. We’re stuck here together overnight, and I promise my goal is to help you get past this blood frenzy.”

“I understand. I'm trying to tell you that I can leave at this point. Even now it'll be difficult to let you leave tomorrow, but I can still allow you to carry on with your life and live in peace, despite the frenzy. But if I were to sink my fangs into your neck, it's all over. The choice is gone. My body would be latched on to yours and I physically would be unable to be parted from you. Being separated from you after that would cause me to lose my mind and possibly turn violent.”

A troubled expression crosses her delicate features.

“This version of Hale Bloodworth, prior to blood sharing, would never harm you. You are safe with me. I would die before I let any harm come to you, but after I sink my teeth into your neck and drink your blood, I’m afraid my own choice will be taken from me, and I will behave in a primitive manner. I would need to be quarantined by the Korn military indefinitely in order to keep myself separate from you.”

She continues to stare at me quietly.

I sense this is too much for her to process so I attempt to change the subject. “I apologize that I accused you earlier of lying when we were out front. That was wrong of me. I could hear the ring of truth in your words when you said you’d arrived for the week. I was simply irritated that a young, beautiful and unmated human female I was attracted to wasn’t leaving when I told her to go.”

She shrugs. “I really did book this cabin for the week.”

“I’m certain you did. And I did too. Neither of us was telling an untruth.”

“No, we weren’t. Okay, I’m going to start making lunch.” She opens a cabinet and places small metal containers of food on the shelf. “Meanwhile, tell me more about how your species mates in general so I can understand why this is so difficult for you.”

I pull out a chair and sit down. This situation is confusing for me as much as her. How can my body respond this way to a human? It is unprecedented. “The Korn pleasure mate, up until they find a mate that causes blood frenzy,” I explain. “After that, they are tied together in a life-long mating and breeding commitment and are then legally paired.”

“That’s a strong bond.”

“Yes, we mate for life. After we find our true mate, we no longer pleasure mate. I would be physically unable to be with anyone else.”

“You would never cheat on me?”

“No, I physically would be unable.”


I narrow my eyes at her. “Therefore, one of my concerns would be that I should not be mated with a human.”

She places her hands on her hips. “Why not? What's wrong with being mated to a human?”

“Your species doesn’t mate for life. I've just recently arrived on this planet, but I've done my research. I have a universal translator implanted in my brain with many of your top languages. I've learned that in this area of the planet you do not mate for life and you might have many pleasure mates and even several actual mates during your lifetime. That is unacceptable. I can't be a human’s pleasure mate or enter into something called divorce when you tire of me as a mate.”

She winces. “I see what you're saying. Yeah, that's important because you’d still be stuck for life with a physical bond to me. I understand the enormity of what you’re saying. The moment you sink your teeth into my neck and drink my blood, then we would be mates for life. That’s why you’re trying to tell me that I need to stay away from you. Not that you’d harm me, but that there’d be consequences, like I’d be causing you to physically bond to me and I’d be married to you for life.”

“Not only that. There’s more.”

“There's more?” she squeaks. “How can there be more than that? Isn’t that enough?”

“Well, me sinking my teeth into your neck would only happen at the moment of release, when I am filling you with my seed.”



What’s crazy is that statement only makes him sexier.

What is wrong with me?

I take a step closer to the huge, virile Korn in a white T-shirt, seated in a nearby kitchen chair. “This wouldn't be something where you suddenly get hungry while we're sitting on the couch, fully dressed and you can't control yourself and you pull me into your arms and sink your teeth in my neck. It would have to happen with us both…”

“Naked and in bed,” he says with that deep, luscious voice. “And I would be compelled to sink my teeth into your neck and drink from you right when I'm sinking inside of you and ready to release. This increases the intensity of orgasm for the both of us.”