The warm buzz of the frenzy continues to hum in my veins.

“I enjoy your name, Sabine,” I tell her. “But it is a mistake for us to be stranded together. I am concerned that a human paired with me at this exact moment is not an ideal situation.”

“Because you’re an alien?” She waves a dismissive hand in the air. “That’s not a big deal. We’re all used to aliens now because we trade with the Voltare and I know that they have retractable tusks. But you are different. You…you have fangs and drink blood?”

I smile wider so she can indeed catch a better look at my two sharp fangs on either side of my upper teeth. “My species is called the Korn and we are new to humans. I have only arrived recently.”

“I’m stranded in this cabin overnight with an alien vampire?”

“What is a vampire?”

She points a finger at my chest. “You’rea vampire.”

I shake my head because I can smell a hint of fear and I don’t ever want Sabine to fear me. “I’ve never heard this word before.”

“Vampires are creatures that are technically dead and live off other people’s blood. They drink blood to stay alive. And they um, drain blood, or drink so much that the person dies or also becomes a vampire. They often sleep during the day and come out to prowl at night. Or at least that’s what the legends say.”

My mouth twitches. “Legends?”

She nods. “But you’re out during the daytime without turning to ash, so that’s unusual.”

“It’s because I’m not a vampire.”


“My name is Hale Bloodworth,” I remind her. “My species are allies with the Voltare and now also allied with the humans of planet earth. I am here to begin trading relations with an earth organization called the United Nations. I am not a vampire. Not even an alien vampire. I consider humans to be the aliens.”

She chuckles. “Well, you do drink blood.”

“Yes, but I don’t sleep during the day. My species is nocturnal. And I don’t require blood daily to survive. It’s only for special occasions.”

“You said you’re allies with the Voltare? I briefly met a Voltare and his human wife. They were staying at Big Sky and I served them at the restaurant where I work. They were nice.”

“I want to hear all about your work,” I answer truthfully.

“Heh. That’s wonderful and we can talk about that later. First, I need to clear up the details of this frenzy thing you were talking about and the meaning of alien blood being stored in the fridge. Do you need to drink that blood to survive?” She points at the food she brought, still on the table. “Can you eat regular human food, or do you live entirely on blood?”

“I normally eat traditional Korn dishes, but my blood frenzy has started unexpectedly, and I crave blood like never before. I need to drink those bags, but I can also try human food.”

“If I cook human food for the both of us today, you can eat it too?”

“Yes. I would like that.”

She starts rummaging through the bags and begins to put items away. “That’s good to know. Tell me again why you’re here and explain blood frenzy and how that will affect me now that we’re stuck here together.”

I lean against the cooling unit and cross my arms, pleased that I no longer scent her fear. “I'm here to initiate Korn trading relations with our new human allies. But there must be something about the environment on your planet because my body has been thrown into a frenzy without even me having matched with a mate. It happened so fast I can't leave and get back to my planet in time. So here I am, trying to be in one of the most remote places on Earth, during a snowstorm thinking absolutely no one will be here while I ride out the frenzy.”

“And yet I'm here.”

“Yes. And I worry that you are not entirely safe around me.”

She pauses to meet my gaze. “Um, should I lock myself in the bathroom before you get worse?”

I swallow hard. “I hope it won't come to that.”

“What exactly is a blood frenzy?”

“The pheromones in my blood are supercharged to find a mate. And I’ve already learned that I find you attractive.”