I glance around the front room of the cabin, which holds only a tiny efficiency kitchen, a table with two chairs and a small living area with one very uncomfortable loveseat. Then I remember again that this cabin only has one bedroom.

He looks over at me. “I will sleep out here tonight,” he announces. “You will sleep in the bedroom.”

I walk over. “No, that doesn't make any sense. You're much taller than me. You're a big guy and I'm about five feet, five inches. It makes more sense for me to be out here because I'm shorter than you. I’ve stayed here before and I know there’s a king-sized bed in there and it will totally fit you.”

He frowns. “I will decide this later.”

I assume this is code for "he gets the loveseat,” but he's gonna have a fight on his hands for that. “Is everything out of your car too?” I ask, suddenly worried he’s going to do something crazy, like go back outside for another trip of supplies.

“Yes, I got what I needed earlier and it's all packed away.”

“That’s good.” I step between the table and the kitchen and start taking things out of my bags. Then I go over to the fridge to put some food away.

He turns towards me. “No, wait.”

But I've already opened the fridge. I look inside. My grip tightens on the door handle and I slowly look up and meet his dark, troubled gaze. “Um, why are there bags of blood in the fridge?”



Oh hells. Why did I not think of this earlier?

Of course, this smart, courageous, beautiful creature I’ve discovered in a section of this planet that was supposedly uninhabited, would immediately find the Korn blood I’d stored in the cooling unit.

“This blood is mine,” I admit, still surprised at this strange turn of events that has caused a human to shelter inside this small domicile with me while a freezing storm rages outside, unabated. I thought I’d planned everything so carefully, causing isolation during my blood frenzy, and yet I’m stranded with a human female—the exact situation I tried most to avoid. Arriving prior to this storm and staying in this remote cabin, was supposed to ensure my solitude and keep me from all other humans during the height of my frenzy.

But that plan has been blown to hell.

Her face pales. “This isyourblood? Are you sicker than you first let on? Do we need to try and get ahold of emergency services? Do you need a hospital?”

I can’t keep my eyes off her and continue to stand much too close. She’s so beautiful and I’m fascinated by every expression and emotion that crosses her soft features. “No. This is not blood from my own body. It is synthetic blood I brought for this trip.”

She exhales. “Synthetic blood? Is there even such a thing? And why would you bother to bring bags of that with you if you weren’t sick?”

She has a point. This blood I’ve brought must seem fantastical to a human from the planet earth. They have blunt teeth and only exchange bodily fluids in times of great physical distress—in order to save each other’s lives. But amongst my species blood is exchanged for many more cultural purposes, most importantly during mating.

I must tell this female the entire truth about myself because she’s stuck here overnight with me and deserves the truth. Only the truth will keep her safe. “Yes, on my own planet there is such a thing as synthetic blood. And I brought bags of it with me because I need to ingest this blood to mitigate my blood frenzy.”

“Your own planet?” Her beautiful blue eyes widen. “Blood frenzy? Who are you?”

“My name is Hale Bloodworth and I’m from the planet Korn.” Luckily the humans have already had contact with another species, the Voltare. Hence, this female’s calm demeanor at learning I’m from another planet.

She glances again at the bags of blood, then firmly shuts the door to the cooling unit. “Is your last name Bloodworth because…?”

“Yes, on my planet it is common to have surnames that include the root word ‘blood’ because blood has historically been considered very valuable. And what isyourname?”

“I am Sabine Dawson. Born and raised in Montana.”

“Sabine,” I grin, loving the sound of her name on my lips. She’s truly the most beautiful female I’ve ever met. Her skin is nearly the same pigment as the Korn, but we all have black hair and eyes. Her eyes are as blue as a clear sky and her hair is long, straight and blonde, a color never before seen on my planet. She is also shorter than the average female of my species, but I do not find this unpleasant. She wears sensible clothing appropriate for the weather, which I find endearing.

I’ve met many females of her species since my arrival, but none have affected me as she does. Sabine smells fantastic. Her luscious blood scents like a flowering field. The thought of her human blood merging with mine causes my cock to again thicken in my trousers. She has no idea the danger she’s in, being forced to stay here with me. I am a powerful Korn who wants nothing more than to sink my teeth into her neck and drink her blood while I fuck her blind, leaving my seed in her womb so I can later watch her stomach swell with our offspring.

Which is distressing, considering she’s not of my own species.

The consequences of a joining with Sabine would be far-reaching and must be avoided.

I’ve never felt this type of pull towards any other Korn, or female of any other species, which means there is the distinct possibility that this human could in fact be my chosen mate. Before I left my home planet for this mission, I was assured that humans were not mating compatible with Korn, but apparently this information was incorrect because I was thrown into a blood frenzy not long after my arrival on the planet’s surface.