It was thrilling, was it not? We battled the Dark Dimension! I think we won, too.
"Uh, my dragon said she was trying to destroy the opening so more of the dimension wouldn't come through."
Adrien blinked several times at Kaida. No one said anything as Adrien processed what Kaida said, but all eyes seemed to be staring at her. Remy's stare was the one that worried Kaida the most. Remy seemed to be the most ruthless of her friends.
Uhm, I hope Remy isn't plotting my death right now. She'd be the one that would actually go through with it.
She'd lose.
"Your dragon was trying to close the opening gap on the island? Why in heaven would she take on that by herself? Where were you?"
Adrien's questions came out in rapid fire. Kaida tried to figure out what question to answer first but was unsure of which one Adrien wanted her to answer.
"Beckett asked me to go flying with him, remember? I think I said that earlier. Anyway, this peninsula was on the other side of the island."
"And your dragon just rushed in and started blasting at it, hoping it would close it?"
Yes. And I did.
"It was the only thing she could think of doing. She knew it was evil and wanted to get rid of it. She was trying to save the island."
"How did she even manage that? How is that possible? She closed the opening?"
Yet again, Adrien's questions were too fast for Kaida to understand which she wanted answered. Kaida waited for Adrien to simmer down this time before she asked if there was something specific that she wanted answered.
"Your dragon closed the opening?"
From what I saw, yes.
"She says she thinks she did, but from what she noticed, yes."
"Do we need to go investigate?" Azulia asked the group.
"Maybe we should."
Kaida sat up straighter. "I'm sorry, but why would you go near that place? If my dragondidn'tclose the opening, it could still affect anyone who goes near it. Don't you think that is a reason to stay away from it? Especially since we don't have the sword thing that could close it?"
Remy made a face and then looked at Adrien. "Kai has a point. Why would we go near it if we can't close it?"
Adrien scoffed. "To make sure that itisclosed?"
"I don't think we should get involved just yet. Kaida seems to be the only one who has come across it. She may have even closed it by herself," Remy interjected.
"But she lost control of her dragon because of it. It is something that needs to be dealt with if it isn't closed," Adrien pleaded.
It wasn't like Adrien to plead. Adrien seemed to always be in charge and lead people into doing the right thing. Kaida noticed that no one was behind her on this; this was not something she was used to.
"I think we need to help Kaida get in control of her magic and dragon first. She is still very new to all of this. I know when I first got my wolf, I needed a lot of training because of how powerful she is. A Meta Wolf is harder to control than an average Lycan. Not only do I need to fight off urges to shift when I am anything other than happy because emotions can trigger a shift, but I also have to fight off her wanting to just transform parts of my body at random. Like turning just my hands into paws or elongating my claws. I can be a full wolf, a full Lycan, an in-between... It's a lot. Now, look at Kaida. She has the magic of her dragon at her disposal, and her dragon form. I think they can just let loosetheir wings, too. Her body and mind are a rollercoaster right now."
Remy standing up for Kaida made Kaida feel warm inside. Her own friends back home would never challenge anyone for her, yet this Lycan had no issue doing so.
"So, we just ignore the Dark Dimension being on the island?" Adrien continued to try to get everyone to join her against the dimension.
"We should focus on something we can help right now. None of us are strong enough to go over there and fight off the effects if it is still there. Maybe we could all use a training session. If this is what we will be facing, we need to be ready," Azulia explained her position to the group, agreeing with Remy.
Adrien nodded while bowing her head. Kaida could feel her sadness from the other side of the table. After seeing how much they all cared for Kaida, it did not sit well with her that Adrien was upset.