"Adrien, we aren't saying this isn't something we should actually ignore. We are saying we should prepare ourselves if what I faced wasn't the end. There are a lot of people on this island. It will all affect them so that we can see your side. But we cannot go up against it if we aren't ready. If it's on the other side of the island, it won't reach us any time soon. It seemed to be contained in that area. I can ask Beckett to fly near it to see, but I don't think we should get any closer than that."
Kaida surprised even herself with her words. For the first time in her life, she felt like a leader with how she framed her siding with Remy and Azulia. She looked over to Sundrei, and even she nodded to Kaida's suggestion.
Adrien sighed and then nodded herself, "You're right. I don't think we can close it all without the sword. If it is still present, we must all be at our best, especially you, Kaida. If your dragon's magic can fight off the dimension, we need you in charge of themagic and your dragon so you don't turn into our enemy if it takes over."
Kaida didn't like how Adrien said her piece but was happy to see that she was starting to understand and agree with their side. When Adrien stood up, Kaida looked at her with a smile on her face to show that nothing had changed between them. They were still friends, and she hoped that Adrien felt the same way.
Looks like I have some training to do.
The girls immediately jumped from their seats and went to the door. Kaida did not think they would want to train already and did not feel prepared. Her dragon was still healing from the black mist, and Kaida was not entirely sure if it was a good idea for her to be training right now.
"Uh, I am still healing from the Dark Dimension's attack. I slept off a lot of it, but my dragon is still very much a work in progress."
Adrien walked over to a cabinet within the room and opened it. Inside were hundreds of vials filled with various colored liquids. Many of them were vibrant and seemed to pulse with energy. Others were dark in color and seemed to have a black aura around them. Kaida compulsively walked over and examined them, intrigued by all of the colors and energies. Adrien looked over her shoulder with her eyebrow cocked.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean? These look fascinating. Did you make them all?"
"Yes. But why are you hovering?"
"I don't know. I saw them and felt compelled to come over here and look for myself."
"You felt compelled?"
"Yeah. Is that weird?"
"Just a little."
Kaida noticed Adrien's pointer finger hovering over each label and her pink magic swirling around the tip as she did. Moving down the line of potions one at a time, the lettering seemed to illuminate for Adrien to see them clearly. Kaida blinked a few times as she realized that Adrien's potions were reacting to her magic. She could read from the labels because her magic was illuminating the letters for her only.
"Is your magic causing that?"
"I put a spell on the cabinet and each potion. It will only show me its contents with my magic. This is so no one can come in here and steal any of it."
"Woah. Magic can do that?"
"Magic can do just about anything. Weren't you taught that?"
Kaida frowned, "Well, yeah, but I was never really told the details of magic. We can't perform it, so we don't know individual spells like this. Magic is awesome if it can do all of this."
Adrien chuckled, "Magic is probably the most dangerous thing in our world. It can do anything, especially if certain spells are left in the wrong hands—like the dimension opening spell that my ex used to open the Dark Dimension."
Kaida made a face and backed away. It was clear to her that Adrien was still irritated about the group’s decision. She had no idea what to say, so she decided it was best not to say anything at all. Within a few more seconds, Adrien found the potion she was looking for and grabbed it off the shelf. When Adrien tossed it to Kaida, she could feel a coldness from her.
"Drink that. It will heal your dragon so you can train."
"Uh, okay."
It was in a tiny glass vial with a cork to keep the contents sealed inside. Kaida could just barely smell the liquid around the cork and brought the vile to her nose to confirm her suspicion.Grape. It smells like grapes.
"I always wondered if that potion smelled different for other people. Tell me, what do you smell?"
"Ha. That's weird. It smells like strawberries to me."
Kaida opened the cork, and the scent wafted more strongly inside of her nose. Without a doubt, it smelled like grapes. When Kaida peered inside of the bottle, the contents were purple, the color matching the scent.