"I know I mentioned that there was a reason why I rejected Kaida, and I think now is the time to explain it."
The three princes all narrowed their eyes at him while Kaida's widened. Enzo was no fool, and he paid attention to all his surroundings at any given time. He noticed when their dragons came to the surface. He knew that this meant, if they didn't like this, it could cause a brawl.
"What? What is it?" Kaida asked as she plopped herself back down on the couch.
Beckett put his arm around her shoulders, and for once, his dragon did not protest. Enzo was relieved that his dragon had accepted that he had to share Kaida quickly, so no more issues would arise.
"I was not in control of myself when I rejected you. I had always heard that my father had an ability that had allowed him to hold his reign over Dragaal. I am not stupid. I pay attention to everything anyone has to say. I've taken much time away from the castle and talked to my people. This suggestion always seemed far-fetched, but apparently, it holds some truth."
Enzo paused for a moment to allow anyone to say what they wanted. He was surprised to be met with silence. Kaida motioned for him to continue as she leaned in to listen.
"There was a rumor that my father had the ability to control other dragons. I'm sure you know that we fight for dominancemore through power and magic than other species. Hearing that there is an ability where one could control the other seemed blasphemous. I did not believe it—until I came back from leaving Kaida here. That's when I realized that there could be truth to that rumor."
Kaida gasped and put her hands over her mouth. The others still did not speak a word. Enzo took their continued silence as a sign for him to continue explaining.
"I never intended to reject Kaida. I didn't give a damn if she had a dragon or not. I've heard of late-bloomers. There was always a chance for her to gain her dragon if it had not emerged yet. I had a feeling that was what she was hiding from me during our courtship, which is why I said nothing. But during the party, I lost time; it was like I’d blacked out. I heard her being dragonless but I remembered nothing from that moment until I returned home. Now. I have a good memory. I have never lost time before and gotten enraged enough to shift. There are many dragons that, when they lose control, cannot recount their actions while being in their dragon form. I have never experienced that because my dragon and I are one. So, when I noticed I lost time, I knew something was wrong. I had asked my mother and father a hundred times, and they led me to believe that, for the first time, I did lose time because I shifted out of rage."
"You believed them?" Beckett asked.
"Not really. I let them believe that I trusted their words. However, I started watching my father more closely after that. I went about my days as normal. I acted as though I was courting those girls, but they were too insufferable. Eventually, I caught my father in a lie. He told me, after I stated that I would not court any of them further, that I agreed to choose one of them after I returned from leaving Kaida here. I know that was a lie because that is where my memory returned. I had controlof myself then. I shifted back to my human form and stormed into my room. I could recall rejecting Kaida, but none of the memories felt right to me. My father came into my room and said that I rejected her and then gave me time to heal. So, when he said that I also said I would choose one of those girls as my bride, I knew my memory was not lining up with his statement, especially after I told him, I did not want to reject Kaida. He said once I found out the news, I was outraged with her lies that she had a dragon. My father wouldn't know that. I never told him anything that we discussed during our courting."
"He altered your memory?" Kaida asked.
"No. He lied to me, and I, then, put two and two together. I did not want to reject you. If I did not want to do that, regardless of you keeping something from me, no one could tell me to do so. I am my own person. He used his power over me."
Kaida looked as though she was thinking hard about something. The others shook their heads and looked like they were trying to form words.
"Wait a minute. His eyes flashed green before you rejected me. I remember that. Is that what that was? He was controlling you when his eyes flashed green?"
Enzo widened his eyes at her. "You saw that?"
"Yeah! It frightened me. It was not a usual green, either. It looked brighter than that. I had a feeling that it wasn't his dragon that caused that either, but then you grabbed me in your dragon form, and I forgot all about it."
"So, it is a real thing, then? Your father can control other dragons?" Beckett's voice held concern.
Enzo knew that Beckett had a reason to be concerned. This was not a good thing his father could do. Even if Enzo took over the throne, his father could control him to do things that Enzo was not okay with. If anything, that meant Enzo could bea puppet for his father even though he no longer reigned over Dragaal.
"This makes so much sense! It was so weird to have you telling me for days that you accepted me as I am and then for you to change your mind at the party. I was so damn confused, but it wasn't you."
"No, it wasn't me."
"Damn. Here I was, thinking that I was able to swoop in and steal this girl's heart because you were a dick. Now I find out that it wasn't even you who broke her heart," Beckett joked.
Esen chuckled. "Blows the wind out of your sail when you find out that someone you want to hate isn't actually an asshole."
"Thanks guys," Enzo deadpanned.
He answered with smiles from all three of them, and Enzo shook his head. He wanted to say that this wasn't the time for jokes, but feeling like part of the group felt good.
"Unfortunately, that's not all."
The four of them stared. This part was more difficult to discuss since it involved them and this island. This was where things could go sideways. Enzo had to trust that they would appreciate being warned and not want to kill the messenger.
"Go on," Kaida urged.
"I pushed for me to be able to bring you home for a reason. I overheard my father as he was conducting a council meeting. He has plans that I do not agree with, but since he is king, I have no way to overthrow the decision."
"This doesn't sound good," Beckett interjected.