Page 74 of Dragon Untamed

Kaida held up her hand to make him stop, "Listen here, and listen well. I will put this out there now, before anything else is said. Enzo, I am not returning to the mainland with you without them. I'm sorry if that hurts, but I refuse to leave here and go back without them. I know inside my soul that they are also my mates. I feel their bonds inside of me. Yours is still the broken shell of what was, and it will take you to fix it before we can move on to better things."

Enzo swallowed and took in her words. Kaida waited for his response while she thought that what she wanted to say came out harsher than she’d intended. She felt the energy of his dragon rising after he said that he didn't want to do this. She didn't care if that was past tense or not. The last thing she wanted was for this conversation to move forward without what she wanted to say being put on the table.

"Trust me, Kaida, I understand that. After you left, we had a talk. This is not going to be easy to navigate, but it's pretty damn clear that this is the only way. You, being a Plasma, are a game changer. I don't think this would happen if you were any other kind of dragon. It makes sense for you to have a mate of each breed. Much to my dismay, I have to share you with them. I came here thinking I could put my life back together just by having you by my side. Now I am seeing it in a different way."

Kaida's heart fluttered at his words. It sounded as though he was more accepting of this situation.Am I going to be able to have Enzo, too? Can I finally have the bond inside of me fixed, and I can feel whole again?

"What way is that?"

“Maybe this happened for a reason. Maybe our people need someone on the throne who can bring everyone together, not just those who live on the mainland but also here on this island. If you are to have a mate from each breed, then it will show how we are all the same but just hold a different magic inside of us. Our people must forget the past of outcasting anyone who is not a Storm dragon. You were chosen for me because I am next to reign. You are a Plasma, so the Queen of Dragons could bring us together."

Kaida's eyes welled up at his words. Not only was he okay with her having multiple mates, but Enzo also believed she was the one destined to make enough change in the world that could bring together their people.

"You really think so?"

"I do. I think the Great Dragon is sending us a message. We are paying attention to it, so now we must accept this message and bring it to light."

The boys nodded in agreement with his statement. Kaida looked over at them, and they gave her a wink and a smile.

"So... you are going to... fix the bond and join us?"

Enzo nodded. "Yes. I won't be going back right away, either. I'll send a letter to my father saying that we need to sort through some things first. There is much for us to discuss, but I think this is more prevalent."

"I didn't think you would accept this so easily."

"I didn't think so either. But on our way over here, the guys and I talked. I really think we can make this work. It will take some time, but I will do anything to keep you. I came here to fixthings so we can be together. If that also means I must build a relationship with these guys to make you happy, then so be it. Again, The Great Dragon has a plan. If we want our people to prosper, we must listen to their plan and see it through."

Kaida smiled and stood up. Enzo's eyes darted to the boys and then back to her. Kaida stepped in front of him and put her arms around his neck. Enzo immediately wrapped his arms around her and tightened his grip as he buried his nose in her neck. Kaida sighed as she found herself relaxing in his embrace. She had missed how good this felt.

Enzo pushed her away only enough so he could look into her eyes. He gave her a light smile, relieved that today's worst was over.

"I, Enzo Stymrir, Prince of Dragaal, accept you, Kaida Hilmir, as my mate and recant my rejection."

Kaida sucked in a breath as the bond inside of her felt ignited in flames as it stitched back together. The feeling of electricity ran through her body as Enzo's relief rushed through her. It was quickly replaced with anxiety as he waited for her to finish the ritual.

Kaida smiled at him. "I, Kaida Hilmir, accept your recanting and accept you, Enzo Stymrir, as my mate."

Enzo sucked in a breath like she did as the magic of the ritual fixed the bond between them. Enzo pulled her back into his arms when the aftereffects were over.

He's mine...he's finally mine again.

Enzo kept his head buried in Kaida's neck for as long as he could. Breathing in her scent again was more relieving than feeling the bond open back up. Since he had left her on that beach, this was all he’d thought about: how she felt in his arms and the feeling of being complete at last.

Enzo opened his eyes and looked at the other three. He was surprised to see them relaxed and talking to each other while he had Kaida wrapped tightly against him. Knowing that they all accepted having to share Kaida, even with him, would make this easier than he expected. Though, seeing Beckett touching Kaida earlier had his dragon outraged.

It does not matter now. She is ours. If we have to share, I will learn how to share. Anything is better than not having her,his dragon told him.

I agree.

But Enzo had not explained himself fully yet. He was keeping something from them all. Enzo knew he needed to have the bond between him and Kaida fixed before revealing this information. Everything had clouded his memory until now. He didn't want totalk about this with anyone other than Kaida.

That isn't an option anymore.

But they need to know. They have to hear why the rejection happened and why we are here.

Enzo sighed and gently pushed Kaida from his embrace. He knew that his face shared his solemn mood. This information could change a lot of things. These three princes wanted Kaida to reject him so that she could remain safe.

A risk I needed to take.