"That's a thing?"
"Yes. Only a few Vampyres can do it. I am one of them."
"Well then. Good to know."
Adrien shook her head, "Fire up your magic, Kaida. We are going to do what the guys did. However, we aren't going to try to kill you. We will just throw some spells and whatnot at you, and we want you to fight back. You need to master your magic. Then, when you go home, I want you to talk to Beckett about training in your dragon form. Understood?"
Kaida nodded and focused on her magic. It had been a while since she tried to access it. She still had some trouble getting it to come to her easily. Kaida took longer than she hoped it would take before she gave up.
"I can't."
"Kaida. You're overthinking it. Just relax and let it come to you. Don't force it," Adrien directed.
Kaida tried again. This time, she focused on her breathing.Breathe in, one, two, breathe out, three, four,she said to herself. Within a few seconds, she could feel the warmth of her magic flowing through her arms. Kaida continued focusing on her breathing until she could feel her magic overwhelm her. She opened her eyes to three of her friends smiling and the other giving her a wolfish grin.
"Thatta girl. Get ready."
When Kaida noticed Adrien's pink magic in a sphere hurtling at her, she thought of the shield she had used before. Themagic collided with Kaida's shield, but she fell to her knees as a shockwave entered her body. Kaida cried out in pain, and then she heard her dragon roar.
No. Don't. We are just training.
They hurt you like the others did.
Adrien is just trying to help. It’s not like the others at all.
Kaida quickly got to her feet, threw her hand outward, and then pulled it up. Within seconds, her purple magic blasted out of her palm, causing the sand to fly in every direction and, in an arc, flew upward to throw a cloud of sand up in front of her friends’ faces. When they all covered themselves, Kaida created a cloud of her magic around her as a shield.
She felt a body fly against her shield, and Kaida lifted her palms and pushed the air. Whoever threw themselves at her shield went flying backward.
"Oh shit! Did anyone know Kaida could do that?"
Kaida continued to use the cloud as cover and thought about her wings sprawling out of her back. The wings followed her command, and Kaida pushed down as hard as possible to take flight. The cloud stayed where it was, just as she’d wanted, and used it as a distraction. Kaida used her wings to fly behind her friends and then sent a wave of her magic at them as they stared at her cloud. Instantly, the magic struck them from behind and made them fall to the sand.
Adrien was the first one to get up and look back at Kaida. She gave Adrien a smug smile and waved cutely with her fingers.
"Woah. How the hell did you do that? Girl! That could be a game changer if you used that in battle!"
"Good to know."
"Let's go again!" Azulia yelled excitedly.
Kaida now felt her magic at her fingertips and couldn't wait to use it. With her wings still out, she really felt like a badass. Shewaited for someone to make the first move but realized she could make one, too.
Kaida pictured her magic as a cloud once more and allowed it to billow out of her hands. Azulia threw her hand out, and a strong breeze tried to make her magic disappear. Kaida then used her wings to cover her as she felt a wave of magic hurtling at her. Her wings wrapped around her, and she felt the magic strike her wings. When it did, smoke came down in its crevices, and Kaida started to choke. She unraveled her wings and flapped them as much as she could. It allowed the smoke to clear, and she pushed on her magic to billow out again, this time at a faster pace. Once the cloud cloaked her, Kaida put up her shield and then focused on her magic to blast out like she used against the boys.
Shit, should I warn them? I don't want to hurt them.
Her dragon took over her wings and flapped them hard. As soon as she was in the air, Kaida unleashed the plasma beam down at her friends. Azulia and Adrien used their magic together and threw it in the cloud. Kaida aimed to where the plasma would strike before them instead of at them. When the beam landed, it sent a blast of air and sand everywhere, making everyone fly onto their asses.
Sundrei burst into a cloud of bats and flew at Kaida. Before she could put up a shield, hundreds of bats collided with her, making her lose focus, and her wings retracted back into her. Kaida fell toward the ground, feeling the wind brush against her in a frigid slap. Her dragon roared again, and Kaida could feel her pushing on a shift.
No! This is training! I don't need your whole form. I'm okay!
In time, Kaida pushed her wings out of her back to catch the air and stop her descent. Her friends stared at her, Sundreistanding next to Azulia and Adrien like she never left the ground.
"Well then. Looks like I need to figure out how to think on my feet a little quicker."