"Your people kick those who can't master their magic out without the help of a coven?"
Kaida's heart hurt as the sadness of those words seeped in. This meant the Witches were brutal. They could turn their backs on their own people just for not having control over their magic.
Though, how is that any different than dragons? They turned their back on me simply because I was dragonless instead of helping me find a solution.
"I'm sorry. That sounds rough."
Adrien looked over at Kaida and gave her a soft smile, "It's okay. It didn’t really affect me much. I mastered mine before I was eighteen. My parents are the Priest and Priestess of mycoven. I come from a line of powerful Witches, and it was basically guaranteed for me to get my magic early and master it."
"You can get your magic early?"
"Oh yeah. I got mine at about ten. So, I had eight years of training before taking the test to become part of the coven. It was crazy how easy it came to me. My mom said it was the same for her."
Kaida looked off into the distance. She could hear the water and allowed the sounds of the crashing waves to soothe her before she spoke again. It kind of hurt knowing that others could get their magic or animal early. She turned eighteen, and her dragon came late. That alone resulted in her being dropped off here like she meant nothing. Not even her family had tried to reach out to her, yet here was this girl, magic at ten, and accepted into her coven because of it.
Adrien's hand wrapped around her upper arm, pulling Kaida from her thoughts. She looked at her friend, and the Witch wore a saddened expression.
"I'm sorry, Kaida. I should have chosen my words a little wiser. I know it’s been hard for you since you came here. You didn't ask for your dragon to come late, just as I didn't ask for my magic to come early. But don't let that stop you. I hope you understand that you are much stronger because of what you have gone through. You survived what some people don't. Did you know that some people just waste away on this island because their mates decided to reject them? I'm not even talking about eighteen-year-olds like you and me. Grown-ass women and men. Like in their thirties and forties. I think I saw someone older than that come here and then just give up."
"Yeah! I'm not lying. I've had to help those people with my potions. To give them sedatives as they just gave up wanting to exist because their mate didn't want them, but you came hereand fought against four of the most powerful dragons to bring your dragon out. That takes courage and strength. You were able to stand on your own two feet and survive. Not everyone has the ability to do that. It doesn't matter if they have been with that person for a while or just met before they were rejected. It takes strength to survive that bond breaking and continue on anyway. Stop thinking you are weak. You are far from it."
"How did you know I felt that way?"
Adrien smiled, "There is always this certain look on someone's face when they feel less than what others think. I can't really describe it well. But you had it just now. You don't think you are that strong. You think you deserve to be rejected, right? Because you didn't get your dragon at eighteen, and then you were rejected by your fated mate?"
"Not always! There are times I know that it isn't true. That I am stronger and better than that. But sometimes... it still sneaks back in." A tear slid down Kaida's face. She didn't even know she was about to cry.
Adrien reached out and brushed the tear away, "Understandable. But remember this. You are enough. You deserve to have your dragon and magic. You deserve to have a new mate within Beckett. Everything that has happened since the rejection is something you deserve to happen for you because you are worthy. Understood?"
Kaida felt a stream of tears spill down her face as she reached out for her friend and wrapped her in a hug. Those words resonated with her and washed over her as she continued to repeat them inside of her head. She knew that Adrien's words were something she needed to say to herself every day. She needed to banish those awful thoughts that she deserved to be here. It was something that happened to her. That’s it. She didn't deserve it because no one deserves it.
"Thank you," Kaida whispered to Adrien while they embraced.
"Any time. If you forget what I just said, just come to me. I'll remind you of how worthy you are." Adrien broke the hug but left her hands on Kaida's arms, "And I'm sorry for not agreeing with the plan earlier. I feel like it's my fault when I know it isn't and feel like it's my burden, and mine alone, to ensure it doesn't hurt anyone else."
Kaida wiped away the tears that were threatening to spill under her friend's eyes, "You aren't alone. We will help you. We will stop it. Just give me a chance to figure my dragon and magic out so I don’t get us killed in the process first, okay?"
Adrien embraced her again, and Kaida could feel their friendship's warmth inside her soul.
Yeah. Who cares if I was rejected? It gave me something I didn't have before—Friends that actually care—and I'll take that any day.
Azulia and Adrien's magics flared up simultaneously once they stepped foot on the beach. Adrien wasted no time, and her pink magic pulsed around her like an aura. Azulia's magic seemed to change color every time Kaida blinked. Red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Kaida wasn't sure what else, but it finally settled on an aqua blue before she got herself in a fighting stance. Sundrei stared at everyone like Kaida did before Kaida noticed she allowed her fangs to show. Remy shifted into her Lycan form, and Kaida took a step back.
What in the hell... how have I gone this long in life never having seen a Lycan? They are HUGE!
Remy went from an average height of five foot eight to over six feet tall in her Lycan form. It stood on two legs, and its paws, with its claws elongated, could cover Kaida's head and probably slice off her head with one bad move. She stood there in awe of her friends and how powerful they were. She could feel their power and magic like they were assorted flavors of candy.
"Shit... How is it that the so-called 'fearsome four' isn't afraid of you four," Kaida said while laughing. "I want to run in theother direction!"
"They haven't exactly seen how capable we are with our magic and forms," Azulia said with a smile.
"I'm not going to lie to you, Kaida. I can turn into a horde of bats as well. Just in case I do that little trick during our session."
Kaida blinked at her, completely stunned into silence. Sundrei giggled while the other three nodded their heads in agreement.