Page 26 of Dragon Untamed

"Wonderful. So, we don't know how to unlock my memories either?"

"Do you even need to? Sounds like your dragon remembers just fine. Ask her about it." Remy suggested.

"She's healing. It took a lot out of her."

"Sounds like it. Anyone who fights it seems to have that issue," Adrien told Kaida.

"What can we do about it, though?" Kaida asked.

Adrien looked away from everyone, "I don't know yet. It is a significant thing to face. No one has single-handedly gone up against the Dark Dimension and made it cease to be in existence. It's almost like we can't do that at all. That it will be its own entity, and eventually it will take over everything."

Remy scoffed, "That doesn't sound daunting at all."

"How else can I describe it? This is why I accepted the rejection. I didn't want this dimension unleashed onto the world. It's daunting as hell! There's only one artifact that I know can close the gap that I am sure my good-for-nothing ex-mate ripped open."

"What artifact is that?" Sundrei asked, "I never heard of an artifact being able to close any gate to that dimension."

Adrien pursed her lips as if she did not want to say. Kaida wondered if the artifact was a secret that Witches kept to themselves. Growing up, that's all Kaida had heard about Witches. They were secretive and didn't play well with others. Very few of them even joined covens because they could not collaborate with other members without wanting to kill them.

"The Sword of Divine Light."

Kaida couldn't help herself. She vocalized an "ohhhh" at the sound of the sword's name. Thankfully, no one looked at her, and Adrien continued explaining.

"It was said that this sword was molded between both dimensions and crafted for the Gods. It is curved so it can carve through one dimension to enter another and has runes etched into it to pierce through anything. The Gods have done their best to keep it from mortal hands because they could kill a God with it. In reality, it is hidden because of its ability to step through other dimensions. My coven believed in more than just two dimensions. There are more things out there than just our species, which is what the Dark Dimension holds back: creatures that can kill us all if they would spill over into our world."

"What kind of creatures? What could possibly be stronger than us?" Azulia questioned.

"I could go on about that all day. As I said, the Dark Dimension is not fully explored. Hell, neither is our world. I'm sure plenty of things out there could be more powerful than us. We won't know until everything is explored and written down." Adrien answered with a frown.

"But why did my dragon destroy everything in her path when she came into contact with it?"

Kaida blurted out the question without much thought. The girls seemed to be more involved with the bigger picture of the Dark Dimension than the fact that it was now on the island. If it could take over her dragon and leave a destructive path in her wake by just breathing it in, what would it do to everyone else who comes into contact with it? Is there someone it affects less so they could put up a spell to block it from reaching others?

"It's just what it does. No rhyme or reason. It just brings out the worst in people from this realm. I think my mate wanted to take over every kingdom by unleashing the dimension onto oursand then ruling what was left because he supposedly had a spell that could control it."

"That doesn't sound like it's possible. A spell to control an entire dimension? Magic isn't that powerful, is it?" Remy looked around the table to find someone that would agree with her.

Kaida noticed no one did. That meant there was a possible spell to control the Dark Dimension. To know that such a thing exists... that was power itself.

"You mean to tell me that there is a spell out there that would give someone access to an entire dimension's power? Wouldn't that make them a-"

"God," Adrien, Azulia, and Sundrei said simultaneously.

"Your ex-mate wants to become a God?" Remy deadpanned.

"Now you see why I accepted the rejection. My coven SERVED the Gods. There was no way in hell that I would agree to be a part of a plan that would make me become one. That would be complete disrespect to the ones I serve."

"What a douche. Who the hell would want to become a God? Do they not understand why we aren't ones to begin with? There has to be a reason for that."

"There is. An average Supe can't handle the responsibility of a God. Or the power."

"It's like when Humans think that they could be better than their God. Can you imagine a Human taking on all of that? With no magic or abilities? That would be humorous to watch, though," Remy rambled.

To answer your question, I was trying to destroy the opening so that more from that dimension would not seep in.

What? You were trying to stop it? Why didn't you tell me that before?

I didn't remember until now. My memory from that adventure is still a little fuzzy, too.