Page 37 of The Operator

I turned to Everly, hoping she knew what was happening. All she did was let out a long-suffering sigh. “I’ll go get her.”

She darted up the stairs while Jared and I exchanged plans for the day. Unlike me, he actually was considered family to the Salingers since his son, Cooper, was also the son of the late Debbie Salinger. He and Trey were the only other single men at the company, and like me he had a child to consider. Well in his case, two children, if you considered that his brother would be with him for the next little while.

It wasn’t long before Skylar and Everly were making their way back down the stairs with Skylar wearing different clothes than what she had on a few minutes earlier. She smiled as she greeted Aidan. He in turn smiled and gave her that half wave thing. I had to be seeing things. Surely my eyes were deceiving me and what I thought I saw, was not actually what was happening.

Within minutes they were off. Everly had packed a lunch for both kids. I watched as Jared opened the back door but Aidan had pointed out that Skylar could take shotgun. I hoped that had more to do with his surly attitude and not wanting to be too close to his brother.

Of course, Everly had to dash that hope.

“It's so cute.” She smiled and squeaked as Jared’s car drove away. “She has her first crush.”

I looked down at her, frowning. “How is that cute? We don’t know that boy. He could be dangerous. He could only want one thing. She needs to be careful.”

“Oh, God.” She let out one of her long exhales. “Do you have to be so dramatic? He’s a fourteen-year-old boy who’s been through a lot. His mother’s dead, his father is going to jail. He’s in a new city living with a brother he hardly knows, and today he needs to start at a new school and kids his age are not exactly welcoming of newcomers.”

“Exactly.” I was glad I didn’t have to explain the problem to her. “That’s a lot for one person. All those things combined could break him. I certainly don’t want Skylar being in his orbit for the fall out.”

She shook her head as she walked upstairs. Midway up she stopped and glared at me when she realized I wasn’t following her. Understanding that glare as the threat that it was, I followed behind her as she continued her little rant.

“Or, she could be the friend he needs. Just because you thought with your dick as a teenager, doesn’t mean every teenage boy does.”

I shook my head at her ridiculousness. “No, we all think with our dicks. And some of us don’t outgrow it. Some of us know better than to actually act on it, but it’s still a pretty universal thing. Most of us would do anything for the attention of a pretty girl.” As we reached the top of the stairs, I pulled her into my arms. “It doesn’t really go away, we just become more selective of who the pretty girl is.”

“Is that so?” Her lips moved against mine as she spoke, sending a pulse of heat to my cock.

I ground myself against her belly letting her know exactly what she was doing to me. “You know we could go back to my room and—”

“Nothing. And nothing.” She patted my chest effectively giving us a little distance from one another. “We have an appointment and I need to get to the studio. I’m singing with Ricky today and tomorrow.”

“Ricky? You still in contact with that asshole?” I remembered that asshole from all those years ago. “It’s his band you’re performing with?”

“Yes. Five Hearts, I told you this.” She frowned as if I wasn’t paying attention. “And we’re not in contact. He contacted me through Phil.”

I was paying attention, though. “I didn’t know that asshole was from Five Hearts. Not exactly the kind of thing I’m up to date with. Are those band members on the list of names you gave Jared?”

“Not yet. I didn’t think I needed to include business acquaintances I’ve only had one meeting with in thirteen years.”

“Babe, that’s the exact people who should be on the list.”



The house hunting went easier than I expected. We didn’t even need to look at the third house, but the realtor had insisted. Noah had decided on the second house. The one I fell in love with the moment I stepped into it. Not that I was sure I would be there for any length of time. What if what was happening between us fizzled out when the stalker situation was resolved?

I would need to find a new place since I was never going back to the cottage. Perhaps once it was scrubbed and cleaned, Julie and her kids could move in there. Surely it was bigger than the cramped apartment she was staying in.

Shaking off the thoughts, I looked over at Noah as we left the third house. “You still want that last one, right?”

“It's the one you loved.” His smile was whimsy. “Besides, Skylar could use the sunroom to practice or rehearse without having to constantly rearrange furniture. Unless you, of course, let it double as a studio. Then there’s also that CCTV camera. The only one owned by the town.”

My heart fluttered. That didn’t sound like anything temporary. Not that I could allow myself to trust it. “Noah, you can’t make decisions based on me. I mean, I get you wanting Skyto have a dance room of her own. But she could use the third room in this house if it better suits what you want.”

Noah stopped and turned us, so we were facing each other in front of his car. “I think we both know what that third bedroom is meant for.”

Yeah, we did. Another baby. Not that either of us were ready for that right way. We couldn’t even decide if we were together or not. “Perhaps, but you should pick the house you want.”

“Ev, you’re going to be staying with me for the foreseeable future.” His hands cupped my cheeks as those brown eyes never left mine. “I want to see where things go with us. I know what I want, but I am not going to force things on you. I may be a good man, but I am no prize and I come with a list of issues that I think has given my therapist plenty of gray hair.”