Page 36 of The Operator

I opened the first photo, and my body froze. That was my face on the body of a woman that had substantially more boob than me. Her legs were spread wide with everything on display. The next photo wasn’t much different except the woman was bent over with her ass to the camera, and it appeared I was looking over her shoulder. On and on, photo after photo made my stomach turn. It was at once amateurish and disturbing.

“I need a drink.”

“I can handle that.” Sue looked relieved as she opened the screw top bottle of red wine. “But Everly remember, no amount of violation can strip your self-worth. You are stronger than the torment that asshole is putting you through.”

Bex narrowed her eyes and faced Sue. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

I had to agree with Bex. There something in the tone with which Sue spoke that indicated she could’ve been a victim of something herself. I doubted she was ready to talk about it though.

“Today is not the day for that discussion.” She turned away from us and took another bite from her Danish.

I nodded, knowing that if I was going to be her friend, I would need to wait until she was ready to talk to me. Just like with Bex, and whatever was bothering her.



Ihave no idea why Bex and Sue had shown Everly that report and those pictures. The last thing she needed was to be traumatized more by that sicko. Actually, I do know why. Because the stubborn woman had insisted on being shown what she had missed out on. She wanted to see what she was being protected against. More importantly, she said, she wanted to be able to tell Skylar honestly that it was necessary.

“I was honest with Skylar.” I was determined not to raise my voice. “I would not lie to her. Are you saying she doesn’t trust me?”

Everly looked in the direction of the stairs. She didn’t want Skylar to know we were arguing. Well, too bad. If I had my way, Skylar would witness the odd disagreement. She’d also witness some of what she would deem inappropriate kissing between her parents. If we were going to be together, which I still needed to convince her was a good thing, Skylar would see us as a couple. A normal couple who loved each other. A couple who had ideas and opinions of their own. She needed to see and know that love did not mean one hundred percent agreement. If I could give her anything, I wanted to give her that.

I pierced a piece of mushroom on my plate with a fork. And raised a brow waiting for her to answer. Between us looking through different listings and sharing schedules so the two most important people in my life were always protected, we only had a chance to talk about the report and pictures she’d seen at the breakfast table on Monday morning.

She’d sent Skylar up to her room to finish getting ready after she dropped that bomb on us. My daughter asked her how sure she was that they needed protection. And Everly calmly told her that she’d seen the pictures of the house and the various reports, and she agreed with me and my conclusion

“She doesn’t know you, yet.” Everly took my hand and warmth spread through me, settling in my chest. “And while I want to speed that up, the fastest way to get her to trust you is to know you and I are on the same page. She needs to know that I trust you without question or hesitation.”

“And do you?”

“Absolutely, Noah.” Her eyes softened and warmth around my chest intensified. “She’ll get there. I promise. She adores you. But I have been her only parent for so long, she’s going to look to me first.”

I nodded knowing that she was right. “So, Jared is taking Sky to school and I’m going with you to the recording studio after we see the three houses that the realtor wants to show us. I’ll go back to the office once you’re safely deposited back in your room upstairs later today.”

Except for Friday when I shared her room, I had been in the bedroom closest to the stairs. Everly and Skylar shared the one where Everly had settled in on Friday night.

I was more than grateful she hadn’t been in the same room as me the night before. It wasn’t like I wasn’t expecting the nightmare, but it wasn’t something I was ready for them to witness. Waking up in the middle of the night with sweat-soakedsheets and sore muscles was not anyone’s idea of fun. And when there was a risk you could hurt someone you cared about, it made you question whether or not you should have someone in your bed permanently.

That someone was the reason I knew I still needed more therapy. Wanting Everly in my bed for more than sex was my motivator. Once we let Skylar know that there was more between us, I intended to make sure she was in my bed. Of course, that was all based on what Everly wanted. She could still decide that one more night was enough for her.

A commotion coming from the reception area had me swallowing my coffee in one gulp as I made my way to meet Jared and his brother in the foyer of the B&B. Julie, the new receptionist, was already at the desk. She had the desk phone in her hand when she spotted me.

“There you are.” She smiled darting her eyes between Jared and his brother and me. “I heard what happened on Friday. And I assumed there would be security stuff involved but I wasn’t sure what to do when Jared said he was taking Skylar to school.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the timid woman, who I believed had also been through a rough time over the last few months. “You did the right thing waiting for me, Julie. Thank you.”

Just then Everly appeared in the doorway. “Jules?? I didn’t know you were working here.”

“Yeah, Mrs. Salinger offered me a job when my dad brought me here.”

Oh, there was definitely a story there. There were only two reasons anyone got brought to Hope’s Haven and B&B. Either she needed to recover from something traumatic. Or she was under the protection of the Salingers.

Everly looked up at me. “Julie is Brie’s sister. She and her… kids are staying in town.”

So, she was family too. My guess was that she went through something and the Salingers were protecting her. If that was the case, I would look out for her as well. I didn’t need to know the details. Those were not important to keep her safe. Though, if they became relevant or she was in danger, I had no doubt someone would tell me.

A squeak above me got my attention. Skylar stood halfway down the stairs frozen, with one foot raised. Her eyes were wide as she darted her eyes between everyone in the lobby. Before I could ask what was wrong. She turned around and growled, then ran back up the stairs.