Tandor went on as Jobek fell silent. “When power triads were created each planet was given control over a different element. Altorian triads control fire, the Torretians control water, Pyron controls air, and earth or nature was given to Houkdi.”
“I can’t believe this wasn’t in any of the information I was allowed to read.” She couldn’t think of a reason why the founders wouldn’t have wanted her to know about this.
“Neeva might have been revealing the truth gradually, so you wouldn’t feel so overwhelmed,” Tandor suggested with a shrug.
“There has also been a recent shift toward combining the elements,” Jobek offered as he returned to his place half on and half off of the bed. “The new focus began when the first set of second-level conduits were claimed. Your mentor might not have wanted to limit your thinking by teaching you that you could only control one element.”
“Well, whatever her reason, I know more about my abilities right now than I ever have before.” She took a deep breath and tucked the sheet more snugly under her arms. “Back to my awakening. Tandor will open the pathways allowing the energy to flow.”
“It won’t just flow,” Tandor warned. “Your power has been suppressed for more than twenty years. It will build inside you like a volcano and explode in a burst of fire.”
She shivered, equal parts excitement and fear teasing her senses. “You’re saying that the fire will need to be controlled and I won’t be able to do it.”
“We will be lucky ifIam strong enough to do it,” Jobek warned.
The balance on her emotions tipped over into fear. She scooted off the bed, managing to take part of the bedding with her. “You’re scaring me.”
“That is not my intention, but I think it’s important for you to understand what we will be facing.”
She quickly wrapped the blanket around her, covering her body from her armpits down. “If it all takes place in my mind, do we even need to have sex to make this happen?”
“Sex produces a combination of chemicals that triggers the metaphysical connection. The link cannot be formed unless we’re in the throes of passion.” Tandor crawled off the bed and went to her. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he drew their lower bodies together. “I thought you wanted our cocks deep inside you.”
A sarcastic response was on the tip of her tongue, but his hand slid up to cup her breast and her words were trapped in her throat by her sudden indrawn breath. She wanted to be touched, needed it with a soul-deep hunger. For weeks she’d laid in her lonely bed aching for something she didn’t fully understand.
Jobek suddenly stood at her back, his fingers tangled in her hair. He drew her head back and whispered in her ear, “Tandor will take you gently. We know you’ve never done this before and we want this to be perfect for you. But by the time I fuck you, you’ll be wild and likely combative.”
Her brows drew together and she tried to shake her head, which only pulled on her hair. She didn’t want to start an argument, but that made no sense. “I want this. I propositioned you. Why would I try and stop you?”
“Instinct. You’ll test me, challenge me, andI willtake control.”
She slowly turned around. Their hold on her eased, allowing her to make the maneuver. “I won’t fight you.”
He smirked. “If you say so. I want no misunderstandings once this begins,” Jobek said sternly. “Do we have permission to fuck you?”
This felt confrontational, as if he were trying to talk her out of it. Well, he would soon learn that she had a stubborn streak a mile wide. “Yes,” she stated clearly. “I want access to my power, which means you need to fuck me.”
“Do we have permission to create a psychic link between our minds and yours?” he persisted.
“Yes.” She raised her chin but her pulse accelerated with each verbal exchange. “I understand what needs to be done.”
His gaze remained locked with hers as he continued down his checklist. “When you become combative—and you will—do I have permission to hold you down or restrain you? Do you understand that I will dominate you in whatever way I see fit?”
She shivered and heat washed over her as her mind provided a detailed image of the scene. She was bound, spread-eagled on the bed, naked and helpless while he fucked her ruthlessly. Her core rippled and demanding ache erupted between her thighs. Tandor was a source. He would be patient and gentle, but Jobek would force—no, he would be forceful, but it would not be force because she wanted this to happen.
“Yes.” Her voice trembled as she pushed the word beyond her trembling lips. “You have my permission to do anything and everything necessary to release and stabilize my power.”
“Anything and everything.” Jobek grinned. “I like the sound of that.” He stripped off his shorts then motioned toward the bed. “Lie down on your back, head hanging over the side of the bed.”
Tandor eased the blanket away from her body then helped her assume the position Jobek had requested.
Ansley wasn’t sure what Jobek had in mind. Rather than pestering him with questions, she just laid there, heart thudding wildly, and waited for him to explain. The bed dipped and she raised her head to see what was happening. Tandor was now naked too. He eased her legs apart and knelt between them. She’d briefly seen his body once before, but she hadn’t really had time to appreciate the masculine perfection of his form. Each muscle group was well defined, combining into an overall impression of strength and agility.
Jobek caught her under the arms and drew her toward him, guiding her head farther over the side. “Tandor is going to prepare you with his mouth while you pleasure me with yours.”
Her eyes widened and a distressed yelp escaped her throat. “I’ve never done… that before.”
“I’ll instruct you.” He moved closer and traced her lips with his fingertip. “The first step is to open your mouth.”