She paused and looked at her companions, really looked at them. They were both physically appealing but in very different ways. Jobek’s size and military bearing brought to mind lumberjacks and ancient warriors. Yet his features were ruggedly handsome rather than brutish. Tandor, on the other hand, had an exotic mystique that drew her attention time and again.
Shaking away the momentary distraction, she refocused on the exchange of information. “How long have you guys been part of Neloff’s crew?” This was helping more than she’d expected. She was starting to see them as people, not just a source and a controller determined to claim a conduit. She understood why Tandor smiled more easily than Jobek, and recognized the pain deep in Jobek’s night-black eyes.
“Six, no, seven years,” Jobek told her. “We joined a security firm when our contracts with the Torretian military were fulfilled, and joined the crew of theMadelleafter that.”
“The security firm worked for the scientists who use these outposts?”
Jobek just nodded, so she moved on.
“You said you’re a master controller. How long were you at the Citadel?”
“We were assessed at the Citadel, but I had a private tutor,” he told her. “As did Tandor and Neloff. The Citadel rejects anyone with Torretian blood and DNA analysis is part of the application process so no one ever sneaks through.”
“Wow, that seems harsh.”
“They turn away a lot of really talented people,” Tandor said. “My brother’s the perfect example. His scores were—”
“Almost as high as yours,” Jobek cut in. “Tandor likes to downplay his own abilities, but he is the strongest source I’ve ever encountered. And our mentor agrees that he is exceptional.”
“Jobek is just as exceptional,” Tandor insisted. “And you are a second-level conduit. If, or hopefully when, you allow us to claim you, our triad will be phenomenal.”
They had worked their way back around to the present and the decision awaiting her. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe that they had fallen madly in love with her in less than twenty-four hours. They wanted her because of her abilities, or her potential abilities. Still, their sexual chemistry was off the charts and she liked them a lot more than she thought she would now that they were bothering to speak with her.
“What will happen if I choose not to accept you guys as my mates?” Even knowing the question would annoy them, she wanted to see what they would say. “What will the people at the Citadel do with me?”
Jobek shrugged, though his nonchalance was unconvincing. “You will start over. They will likely give you a week or two to adjust and then teams will start courting you.”
Ansley suspected she didn’t have a week or two. Her heightened emotions and close proximity with two virile males had compromised the suppressant Dr. Lorish… Who the hell knew what that creature had injected her with. He might have heightened her sex drive for all she knew.
“You are a prize worth fighting for, Ansley,” Tandor stressed. “Do you understand how valuable you are? Multiple ships from three different planets are here searching for you.”
Why did he think she would be comforted by the thought? Maybe he wasn’t trying to put her at ease. Was he emphasizing the danger so she would turn to him for protection?
“Each team that courts you will pursue you as aggressively, as determinedly as we have,” Jobek warned, desire igniting in his eyes.
Angered by yet another attempt to manipulate her, Ansley snapped, “So what the hell am I supposed to do if I let you claim me and then feel an even stronger connection for a team at the Citadel? You two are the first team I’ve ever met. I’m twenty-five years old and I’ve flirted with a grand total of one other male. Only one.”
“We will give you as much time as we possibly can,” Tandor promised, “but Commander Cylex is already here.”
Jobek went on with even more vehemence. “Half of our star system is still searching for you. We must use this time wisely because it could end without warning.”
“You’ll have to be a little more specific.” She hadn’t meant the statement to sound bitchy, but something about Jobek made her want to challenge him, to provoke him until he pounced. “I’m not sure what you’d consider wise.”
Jobek’s only reaction was the subtle narrowing of his eyes. “We were rejected by the Citadel. If we release you without establishing some sort of claim, they will take you away from us.”
Tandor continued to build their case. “Our courtship would be undeniable if we join bodies with you. Our position would be even stronger if we form a mind link, even a temporary one.”
She laughed, feeling feisty and more than ready to play. “I’m not the one who shut things down. I want access to my power and you guys want time to court me properly. We might be coming at this from different directions, but we want the same thing.”
Jobek’s expression had gone from serious to grim. “If you are serious about having us release your power, you need to understand exactly what that means.”
“It means I have sex with you. I’m not ready to be claimed. I’m okay with a mind link as long as it’s temporary. I’m not agreeing to anything permanent, but I’m ready for you to fuck me. Is that specific enough?”
Jobek pushed to his feet and stared down at her imperiously. “There are two steps to accessing your power. Tandor would open a pathway to the mystic energy, allowing it to flow freely through your mind and body. It will be a rush like you cannot imagine, but your element is fire and fire consumes everything it touches.”
“Why is my element fire?” His assertion had come out of nowhere, derailing her thoughts about sex. “What do the elements have to do with magic?”
The males looked at each other, obviously as confused by her questions as she had been by Jobek’s last statement. “Power triads control the elements,” Jobek explained. “All of our magic is based in the elements.”