Page 7 of Loving Harper

She picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him.

They heard tire tracks on the driveway. Harper checked the window. “That’s them.”

He opened the door, and two fit and handsome gentlemen about ten years younger than Harper stepped inside. They shook Harper’s hand but immediately came over to Lydia, paying her the most deference.

“We’re here to keep you safe, ma’am. You have nothing to worry about. You just sleep, go about your day, and we’ll take care of everything else. Promise. I’m Danny, and this here is my former Teammate Greg, Greg Fowler.”

“Nice to meet you both.”

Harper stood next to them, his arm around Danny. “We all served on Kyle’s Team 3 together years ago, before I met you. They live here in Sonoma County. Danny here works with Nick and Devon over at—”

“Harper, I don’t remember them. You keep forgetting that.”

She could see he’d been embarrassed by her comment. He was anxious to go. He turned to the men. “Well, gents, you have your work cut out for you. I’ve got to fly.”

He grabbed her so quickly she didn’t have time to object. “Gonna miss you terrible, Lydia. You’ll see. This will all be a piece of cake, but I’m glad we’re taking precautions anyway.”

She allowed herself to soften and gave him a long kiss on the lips, brushing her fingers over the right side of his face. “You come back in one piece. I’ll do the same. Hope it’s successful, whatever it is.”

“Yes, ma’am. Or I’ll be looking forward to that beating you told me about earlier.”

Lydia felt her cheeks blush. Both the newcomers bowed their head as if they didn’t see but chuckled.

She walked with Harper out to his truck. “I’m sorry I gave you a hard time. You didn’t deserve that.”

He walked back to her. “Honey, you’ve been through a lot. Hell, I’m just lucky you allow me to jump your bones. Like you said, I’m a complete stranger. I appreciate you giving us another chance.”

She decided to be snarky, wondering if it was the right option.

“Well, at least the sex is pretty fuckin’ fantastic!”

He picked her up and swung her around, making her giggle. “I love it when you talk dirty. Now I’m going to have a hard-on all the way to D.C..”

Still embraced in his arms, she shed a tear as he pulled away and waved, getting into the cab. He didn’t look back as he turned around and drove away. Venom had come outside, sat, and leaned against her.

“You’re going to miss him too. I distracted him. He would have said goodbye if I hadn’t done that. You know he loves you. I’ll take care of you, okay?”

The dog looked up at her with love in his eyes. She nuzzled him nose-to-nose.

Once inside, she gave room directions. While she was showing them the kitchen, refrigerator, and the coffee maker, all of their phones buzzed. It was Harper giving them the new gate codes.

“Okay, well, I guess we’re secure. You need anything before I go upstairs and get dressed? You each have your own bathroom. But I have extra toiletries if you need it.”

“I’d just like a big glass of water. I’ll get it if you just point the way,” said Danny Bizbee. Greg agreed.

She pulled out two tall tumblers. “Ice?”


Lydia filled them with crushed ice and then water and handed them off. “Feel free to make something for your breakfast, if you want. I’m going to go upstairs. I might try to catch a few more z’s first, if you don’t mind.”

“No problem. You expecting any visitors? Deliveries? Anything we should know about? Do you have workmen coming over?”

“Harper doesn’t let anyone on the property. He does it all himself. We have a drop box downtown for deliveries, so none of them. But I should tell you about something that happened to me yesterday.”

“Should we sit?” asked Greg.

Lydia took the loveseat. Venom sat next to her. “Oh, and this is Venom.”