Page 8 of Loving Harper

“We’ve met Venom before. While you were gone. We’ve been here a lot over the past two years.”

“I’ll bet. Watching over Harper. Sally told me how bad it was.”

“We don’t leave a man behind, ma’am. Just because we don’t serve together, we’re still a Brotherhood.”

“I get it. So you guys have families?”

“I got family but divorced, unfortunately. They live down in San Diego. My ex married another SEAL, so…”

“That’s crappy.”

“Not if you knew his ex,” said Danny, and then everyone laughed.

“It’s hard on the ladies, isn’t it?” she asked them.

“When we’re in, they feel nothing is more important than their team. That’s not really true, but if we aren’t careful, the family gets to feeling like their second best. Everyone knows their dad or husband is a war hero. Nobody wants to talk to the wife or kids. It’s not fair. I’m here to tell you, though, we don’t really feel that way at all. I think in my case, I just didn’t know how to talk to Alex. I wasn’t very good at lifting her up when she was hurt. But I loved her, love her still. She’s better off,” said Greg. “He’s a fine man, and he’s good with the kids. I get them every time I want. They’re getting to the age where their activities are so demanding, hard for me to be a part of it, living up here. So we’ll see. I may want to relocate. But it sure is nice up here. We got a good community I trust. San Diego’s a little crazy.”

“I agree with you,” she said. “Wait a minute, I don’t remember living down there—Oh my gosh! I just remembered a little house a couple of blocks… Oh, I wish Harper was here so I could tell him. I remember something!”

“That’s wonderful,” said Danny. “Go ahead and talk. Maybe more things will come out.”

She covered her face with her hand. “With my memories gone, I have to say we’re falling in love all over again. I try not to compare myself to the old me—the one I can’t remember. But I’m asking him all the time.”

She started to blush again.

“So you guys are on your honeymoon. Best time of my life,” said Greg. “I’ll never forget those days, and nights!”

They all laughed again.

“You had something you wanted to tell us?” asked Danny.

“Did he tell you we had an intruder last night?”

“Oh, yes,” Danny added. “Sure did. That’s why we’re here, ma’am.”

“Please, stop with the ‘ma’am.’ Okay?”

They both answered, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Old habits. What do you want to be called?”

“Lydia, just Lydia!”

“Fair enough, Lydia,” answered Danny. “Your wish is my command.”

“So what about you? Are you married?”

“Not yet. Haven’t found the right one yet. I’m doing lots of testing.” He grinned. “I’ve been dangerously close, but the guys talked me out of it.” He turned to Greg, who punched him in the arm.

“I was hot and heavy for his ex’s twin. Almost became brothers-in-law.”

“Oh, wow. I’m sorry.”

“Things have a way of working out the right way, don’t they? You believe in that, Lydia?”

“I do. And if they don’t, you have this thing in your brain where it shuts off and you can’t remember a thing.”

Nobody laughed this time.