Page 77 of Twisted Truths


wouldn’t miss it

Work passed by slowly and every time I hit something, I could picture Jackson Pierce’s face. He was a shady son of a bitch in school, and it didn’t get better after.

He saw my cousin Vivian as a trophy, but I saw the bruises she tried to hide.

Once break time hit, I sped over to the diner, mildly excited to see my friends. I shut everyone out while I was going through all that shit, but I was ready to reconnect.

Parking beside Dexter’s car, I got out and greeted him and Ethan as we walked inside the diner.

The little bells on the door jingled, announcing our arrival, and my cousin called out a greeting over her shoulder.

Gene’s youngest sister squealed when she saw Ethan. “Angry man!”

“S’up little bit?” They shared a high five.

She cocked her hip and shook her head. “I’m working since my sister can’t walk.”

“Why can’t she walk?” Dexter asked, signaling for coffee.

Evelyn sighed. “Because some dumb asshole knocked her up.”

“Evelyn!” Vivi rushed over. “You can’t say that.”

“Well, it’s what Big E said.”

“Bad.” She spun to look at the cook. “Big E. Bad.”

He shrugged, smiled, and hit the bell twice. “Order up!”

“Evie, can you please serve those ladies in the corner their salads?”

“Can do, Vivi.” She rolled off on her skates, singing.

She filled up our coffee cups. “Need menus?”

Dexter nodded. “Please.”

The turtleneck she wore wasn’t fooling anyone. Gene’s eyes were filled with concern when he brought the menus over.

“Hey guys.” He took a seat with us and leaned in. “Mom and Dad wanted to keep her home with them, but she wasn’t having it.”

“Is Frankie okay?” I lifted my coffee and took a quick sip of the hot brew.

“She seemed to be.” He nodded. “She’s over with Edie.”

The four of us sat there plotting between us. Ethan tried to keep his composure, but you could see his neck turning red beneath his collar. I didn’t blame him, since I wanted to rip this jerk apart for hurting my cousin.

“Burgers?” Gene asked as the bells chimed again.

“Sounds good.” Dexter nodded as we all turned to see who was coming in.

The president of the local MC stepped inside with two other members with him. He winked at Vivi. “Mama’s comin’.”

Vivian nodded and grabbed an extra cup along with the carafe of coffee.
