Page 78 of Twisted Truths


“There ya go.” She filled their cups and Ethan cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, miss?”

She turned to face him. “Yes, sir?”

“We’re ready to order.”

She nodded. “Be with you in one moment.”

“Kinda warm for a turtleneck.” His voice dropped low, and we all saw the panic on her face.

“Ethan.” I whispered and gave him a look.

“I get cold easy.” Her shoulder lifted in a shrug.

Gene came up behind her and we watched her jump. “You’re okay, Viv, they all want burgers.”

She scribbled the order down on the ticket, putting it up for Big E.

“We could’ve told her.” Ethan raised his voice.

I thought it was a good idea for Ethan to be here, but I think it might turn into a pissing contest.

“I know, but she’s doing us a favor, and I don’t need you hecklin’ her.”

“Eugene.” His voice dripped sarcasm. “I would never heckle your underlings.”

The door opened, ringing again, and this time Jackson walked in.

His hair looked greasy, his beard wasn’t much better, and he walked in like he owned the place. He looked over the room, his eyes narrowing.

“He’s looking for her.” Dexter whispered across the table to me.

Gene came back to us, whispering, as Jackson stalked over to the bathroom. “Big E sent her to the walk-in.”

When he came back from the bathrooms, his eyes looked wild. He stalked around and went through the swinging door to the kitchen. “Back off, lunchbox.”

“Awww, hell naw!” Big E stormed across the kitchen and we all got up and ran through the door. He yanked the walk-in door open and grabbed Jackson by the collar. “Not in my kitchen, motherfucker.”

“I got the door open for a trash run!” Gene yelled.

Big E had him by the hair and walked towards the back door. There was cheering from the dining room as we all piled outside.

We watched Big E change how he held Jackson, immobilizing his arms, and Ethan stepped up, punching him in the face.

“Tough guy.” Jackson spit blood out onto the ground. “You’re all a bunch of pussies.”

Ethan swung again, making Jackson laugh as the MC guys came walking up.

“Ha! You fuckers are in for it now!”

“How long he been beating on her?” The one wearing the president's cut kept his eyes on Jackson.

Gene shook his head. “Viv never said. We just know that today she came to us for help.”

“I know.” Ethan sneered at Jackson. “It started when she was pregnant.” He shook his head. “Her wrist was tender and had a bruise and she was afraid of him. I didn’t put it all together until today.”