Page 22 of Twisted Truths

“I miss my mom and dad.” Tears rolled down my cheeks. “It’s not fair.”

Warm arms wrapped around me in a secure hug. “It’s not. But sometimes this is the hand life deals us.”

“Who? Who is the stupid dealer that thought this was a good hand?”

“Aw, punkin, some people think it’s God. Others call it fate.” He sighed. “And in the end, we don’t get a say.”

“This is so stupid.”

“I agree.” His tears dripped onto my head.

We sat there together in our sadness until a strange soft voice interrupted. “Excuse me, Mr. Walker. The pastor is ready to do the service.”

Grandpa nodded. “Give us a minute.”

“Of course.”

The young woman disappeared, and he turned his eyes to me. “Well.” He sighed. “Are you coming with me?”

I nodded. “Yeah. We’re all we got now.”

He pushed himself up from the floor and waited for me. With our hands clasped together, we walked back to the viewing room and took our place in the front row.

A brand new box of tissues appeared at the end of the row and I picked it up, hugging it to my body. I didn’t hear a word the pastor said.

The numbness I felt ran through me and I was sure I’d never feel normal again.


It'd been two weeks since Grandma died, and today I wanted to go back to school. I couldn’t take being at home anymore.

Neither could my grandpa.

Today was his first day back at work too and he was driving me to school.

“You know. If it’s too much, you can call me and I’ll come get you.” He glanced over before taking off from a stop sign.

“I know.” I reached for his hand and rubbed my thumb on his leathery skin. “But if I keep staying home, I’ll just miss her more.”


He pulled into the drop off lane and didn’t let go of my hand until we were almost at the front doors.

“Miranda, it’s okay to not be okay.”

Sadness filled me. “I know.”

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Then opened my door and got out, joining the herd of kids walking towards the school.

“Hey! M!” I heard Tara’s voice, and I stepped to the side towait for her.

“Hey, T.”

“I brought some cookies. Wanna share?”

We smiled at each other as I nodded my head. “That sounds great.”

“We can pop into the FACS class to get some milk.” She linked her arm with mine and we walked into the building and went down the main hall to Mrs. Carroll’s classroom.